Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Raising  Your  Vibration  is  Raising  Your  Consciousness

Are you aware of how much difference you are making in your daily life?
As Human Beings, we tend to underestimate what we are doing and creating!
Some of the simplest things you can do to help raise both your vibration, 
and the vibration of the planet are;

7 Of The Simplest Steps Are;

1. Smile more often; When you are waling down the street or at work, be aware of a great big smile in your Heart Chakra (the centre of your chest,) when tuning into your inner smile, you will feel how easy it is to spread this health virus.

2. Consciously Breathe into every cell of your being, feeling very relaxed and present in your body - Yes, another healthy contagious to share with others. People naturally pick up on your breathing, and will very often unconsciously breathe in sync with you, without either of you even knowing it.

3. Master Your Thinking; Become more consciously aware of what is consistently running through your mind. Always remembering, that what you focus on (what you are thinking) is what you are consistently attracting, for better or for worse. Another way you will hear this is, Energy Flows Where Attention Goes, so to be sure that you are consciously manifesting what you want in your life, consistently weed the garden of your mind, deleting the negatives and train yourself to think for your greater good and the good of others. It is true, you did not come into this life with a manual, however you do have free choice, and you can change your thinking.

4. Acknowledge your self for who you are, and your accomplishments consistently. In doing this you will naturally build your own self esteem and confidence. You will start to believe in yourself more, and start to listen and follow your own heart. You will even begin to trust yourself more. Acknowledge yourself for the difference You are already making. The more you acknowledge yourself for the difference you are making, the more you will make. Like attracts like.

5. Nurture Yourself; Remember to regularly care for yourself, it is all too easy to get into the habit of running around flat out after others, and totally forget you own well being and peace of mind.

6. Gratitude; Consistently express your gratitude for what you have and what you receive, And express gratitude through Feeling Affirmations as if you already have what you truly desire. Do remember, you are what you think!

7. Meditate or take Relaxing/Meditative Walks; You can even listen to relaxing music, or be creative. If you practice any form of art, and you are allowing the creativity to come from your Soul, you will notice that you lose track of time, you go into the Oneness, whilst creating. This is Soul Food, your Nurturing time. Your ME Time!

As You consciously and Consistently create these new habits, YOU are being a difference maker! 
Everything starts with the First Step, no matter how small it is, it is the MOST important step! Enjoy!

Shivaya Reo
The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs
The HeartMind Mentor


Perth, Western Australia

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