Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Global Heart Awakening & DNA Activation with Shivaya Reo

Honouring You, Your Soul,
is important everyday to maintain balance and harmony,
and to live your life in Flow.

Breathe into your Sacred Space within,
and receive your Heart Awakening & DNA Activation today.

Receive Your Global HEART Awakening & DNA Activation Monthly Gift:

These activations are available each month, to register for the next one, go to:
Registration is essential:

Working with the Collective Consciousness

Thank You for Sharing :)

Shivaya Reo
The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs
Heart-Mind Mentor

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Love is Your True Power with Shivaya Reo

Love is Your True Power
Hate is for the victims: 
To hate others, you must first Hate Yourself.
To truly love others, you must first Love Yourself.

How are the Terrorist Attacks Affecting Your Personal Power Within?
What would it take for you to consistently step into being your Personal Power, living from your authentic truth within?
Are you able to easily hold your energy, or do you lose your energy, (your inner power) at the drop of a hat?
Living in your natural state of ‘Love,’ is helping you to maintain your true energy. This is who you really are.
Love IS Your True Power!
Awaken Your Personal Power Within:
One thing for sure, the terrorists are not living in a state of love. In fact they are so disconnected from who they really are, that they are living in a co-dependent state of victimhood – a state of Overpowering Self Hate, Inner Self Rage, Self Abuse and Blame. They are the coward’s; and have no sense of self-responsibility, awareness, or being a conscious creator, which makes them extremely powerless as individuals.
Sadly, they Hate themselves so intensely, they are unable to connect with the powerful love that they were born to be.
They consistently blame everyone on the outside for their weaknesses, as they do not have the courage or the awareness to take responsibility for the miserable, angry and destructive lives they have created. They have given all of their Power Away, to become the puppets that they are now being.
Where do you lose your power, albeit to a much lesser degree? Where do you find yourself reacting to others?
The key is to begin consciously living ‘at cause,’ which is consciously creating what you truly desire in your life, and you can do it, because You Are Love.
‘Like’ always attracts ‘Like,’ we always naturally get back what we put out, this is natural universal law.
If we are holding onto Anger within, then we attract Anger from others, to help us to express it appropriately and connect with our Love and forgiveness within. Unfortunately, most do not see this golden opportunity, which could help them to move forward with much more love, ease and grace.
Say Yes, to Your Personal Power Live Webinar on Wednesday 25th Nov, 4pm Aust E.S.T. Register Here:

Love & Blessings,
Shivaya Reo

Monday, November 16, 2015

Real Love (John Lennon piano recording)

It is easy for us all to look at things from our unique individual experiences...
LOVE is so much MOrE Than it has been portrayed to mean...
What does The Power of Love Mean To You... ?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Self Mastery Goals with our Heart Awakening & DNA Activation Webinar Gift

The 11:11 Gateway to Love & Divine Power
And... Your Live Webinar Gift
Wednesday 11.11.15 Aust time

Global Heart Awakening & DNA Activation Live Webinar on Wednesday.
Your FreeGift this Month and Every Month.

11th Nov 2015 @ 4PM E.S.T.
Register Now: Webinar Gift Link

Time Converter: check out date for your time zone.
Scroll to bottom of page for more specific instructions

Your Focus this Month Includes;
Empowerment; Change; Crisis Skills; Soul Mates
; Self-Mastery; Sex; Financial Partnerships; Avoiding Power Struggles
Choose up to 10 of the following, or similar wishes 
of your own choosing.  Be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, be open as the 
opportunities appear from there on, as they will.
Secrets, Awareness of 
Others’ needs and motives, Politics, Psychology,
I am easily keeping peoples confidence, and honoring
 their secrets.

My awareness is heightening and I am seeing the real
 needs of my significant other. 

I am easily finding myself working with the politics 
in my workplace in a way that is beneficial to 
myself and others.

The right ideas are inspiring me relative to mutual 
empowerment in my relationships.

I am easily finding myself using my power 

I have an abundance of healthy, happy charisma in
 my relationships.

I am easily attracting, recognizing and working with
the right people for me, facilitating psychological transformation for me.
Eliminating old ‘baggage’, Change, Restoration,
A positive transformation is occurring in the area
of  _______.

I am easily finding myself embracing my true
identity, free of my past.

I am confidently embracing change in the area of

I am easily restoring my relationship with
________ to one of mutual support, understanding,
and respect.

I am easily forgiving ________ in a way that is
empowering me.

I am easily stepping into my power through taking
responsibility for my actions and reactions.

A positive change is entering my relationship with
_____________ .

Crisis, Taking Risks to Gain Power,
Compulsions, Obsessions, Intense Interactions,
Living on the Edge.
I am easily responding to crisis with clear and
competent thinking and action.

I am constantly creating inner peace, balance,
harmony and empowerment in my life.

I am naturally entering supportive and empowering
situations in my life.

I am taking constructive risks leading to a new
sense of empowerment.

I am expressing my passion in a way that is
empowering others.

I am noticing the intensity in others, whilst
remaining in my power.

I am now completely free of __________ 

I am experiencing mutual empowerment with
others, in a way that is healthy and happy for me.
Self Mastery, Good versus Evil,
Strength, Self-discipline, Commitment, and
Depth of character.
I am easily choosing what is perfect for my highest

I am easily filling myself with strength and making
changes that are for my highest good.

I am manifesting self-discipline in the area of

I am manifesting self-mastery over ______
(smoking/ drinking excessive eating/ etc.)

I am easily accepting my emotional depth.

I am fully committed to my success in _______.

I am easily embracing my commitment in
Bonding, Absorption, Soul-Mates, Deep emotional connections, Mutual
validation and Sex.
I am participating in making the sexuality in my
relationship with ______ more passionate,
whilst facilitating a stronger bond between us.

I am valuing the people in my life who are
important to me, giving them my support.

I am empowering my emotional boundaries whilst
supporting others.

I am attracting, recognizing, and experiencing a
happy soul mate relationship.

I am confidently saying the right words to ______
that is creating a situation of mutual empowerment
and support.

My clarity and wisdom is showing me the right
course to take in creating a happy soul-mate

I am easily getting along with ______ , growing in
our love and bonding every day in a way that is
also positive for us as individuals.

I am easily saying the right words to ______ that
is creating an atmosphere resulting in a deep
emotional connection.
Financial Partnership; Loans,
Taxes, Debts, Grants, Wills and inheritances,
Contracts and business.
I am easily applying for and receiving a loan that is
in my overall best interests.

My financial negotiations with ______ are
confidently and positively being fulfilled.

I am feeling full of self-confidence in an
empowering way.

I am easily meeting the target dates in completing
my tax returns.

I am easily taking positive action with is resulting
in me becoming financially free.

I am easily using my full power and strength in
having clear credit cards.

I am easily saying the right words to those
involved allowing the situation to be resolved with a
win/win and goodwill for all concerned.

I have easily completed my will.

The right ideas are coming to me regarding how to
approach ________ in getting them to pay me
the money they owe me.
Misuse of Power: Revenge,
Jealousy, Harsh judgments, Destructive Urges,
Power struggles, Abandonment, Suspicion, Guilt.
I am naturally honouring and respecting everyone’s
power as equal.

I accept myself as belonging and being included
naturally and easily.

I am easily and naturally reclaiming my innocence
regarding ________.

I am easily forgiving ______ for my highest good.
I totally accept myself as being an equal.

I am consciously accepting others for who they
choose to be, as being right for them.

All empowering urges are flowing naturally into my

I am easily using my power constructively in all
Health: Rectum, Colon, Bladder, and 
Organs of Elimination, PMS and Menstruation,
Sexual Diseases, Sexual Organs – Male and
A total healing is occurring in the area of my
______   (above).

I am attracting, recognising and working with the
right healers for me to restore my ________ (as
above) to perfect health.

I am attracting the right information that is
creating a total healing of my tendency to
_________ (as above).

I am easily taking the right action that is leading
to me successfully restoring my ______ (body part
as above) to perfect health and beauty.

My hormones are in balance and harmony, filling
me with inner peace and empowerment.
Rules for Your Ultimate Results:
1. Always write your Self Mastery Goals
by hand, within 8 hours of the exact time mentioned
above.  Your Goals can be made up to 48 hours, although, for best results do within the 8hr period.
2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes/goals, date
and keep your list. You may choose several on the
same topic.
3. Do Not make wishes for other people, you can
make them for shifting your approach to others.
What does that mean? Well, it means that from
the time above, any goals or focus you put on the
topics above is being supported by the greater
universal cycles. You have heard of planting or
fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like
To greatly improve your chances of achieving your
goals, please follow the instructions above. Be sure
that what you choose is what is really important to
So, until next month,
Wishing you a magical month,
To Connect in Face Book, Check out these pages;
The Power of Love: F.B. The Power Of Love
The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs: F.B. The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs
The Powerful Women: F.B. The Powerful Women

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Global Heart Awakenings & DNA Activations ~ Your monthly Gift from Power of Love

Global Heart Awakenings & DNA Activations
Your monthly Gift from ~ Power of Love
Please Share the Love
as we are aligning with and activating the Collective Consciousness
Next Awakening: 11th Nov 4PM Aust E.S.T

You are invited to our GLOBAL HEART AWAKENING & DNA ACTIVATION Live Webinar, in the comfort of your own home each month at 4PM Aust E.S.T, in Alignment with the current New Moon Energy.

INVITE AND SHARE this link with your friends, to help others, and to assist in raising consciousness.

We are looking forward to you joining us and assisting you to raise your vibration as you step more fully into your power, your Soul, your own life.

Brief Explanation of what this is shift in consciousness is about;

This is an energy process, where you will align with your Intent in preparation for your Heart Awakening and DNA Activation, as you sit in peace and harmony, listening and feeling as you go through the process each month.

The GLOBAL HEART & DNA ACTIVATION helps you to connect and be more of who you really are, more of your divine truth, your authentic Power.

Imagine; What would it feel like if you were already living you life, as if you were Being Your Soul? Pretty amazing huh? Well that is where we are going, it will take practice, and these awakenings will help and guide you through to process to BE the Soul that you are.

This Awakening and Activation goes way beyond your conscious mind and ego, connecting with your nervous system on an energetic level to the medulla oblongata, which then sends messages to the rest of the body. It ensures messages from the pineal gland are communicated throughout the rest of your body.

The Awakening and Activation works at a deep cellular level, and helps with your personal Transformations and Soul connection paradigm shifts.

This is a great opportunity to instil new empowering beliefs or programs into your Subconscious Mind, so I suggest you be gently mindful of the qualities you are choosing to take on in your life. We will be advising you which energies you are likely to have heightened success with the New Moon for added energy.

Overall, the Activation helps in bringing more light into the unhealed parts of you, that require healing or transforming, turning your lights on to your potential.

The result is different for everyone, I have seen amazing miracles with some participants, and it is my wish, that is the case for you.

This process is open to anyone over the age of 18, who would like to receive the GLOBAL HEART AWAKENING & DNA Activation. 
Please be online and prepared several minutes early, to ensure you are in an empowered open hearted state before we commence the GLOBAL Awakening and Activation.

Share with anyone who may benefit from these powerful shifts in consciousness.

Raising consciousness, working with the Collective Consciousness, As One.

With Love & Blessings,

Shivaya Reo
The Power of Love
The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs

Abraham Hicks ~ Getting ready for your soulmate

What would it feel like, 
if you were already with your Soulmate?
Getting ready for your Soulmate ~ Abraham Hicks
What would it feel like, 
if you were already with your Soulmate?
Share your feelings below, and continue to feel it .... and ...

Register for your free Heart Awakening & DNA Activation Live Webinar <3
See the Video Below:
Are you with your Soulmate?