Monday, October 26, 2015


What are you doing to Celebrate *Love Week*?

Yes, it's International Love Week - the time to invest in your love, self love, romantic love, love for your life, love... love... love... If it's Love you want...

Participate in our Self Love - Soul Love NPR Live Webinar 4pm Aust E.S.T. on 28th Oct and Transform the Love in your Life:

Do you plan to be with your Twin Flame, and are you consciously working toward creating this?

You may find this meditation helps you. Enjoy

Reuniting With Your Twin Flame - Guided Shamanic Meditation

Be sure to Register for the Love Webinar - to remove any blockages and subconscious belief patterns that are preventing you from giving and receiving Love, and remove any programming that keeps you attracting the same old patterns and people.

Book Now:

Your Love Investment is $AU45

Sending Much Love to You, in this powerful Love transformation time,

Shivaya Reo

Heart-Mind Mentor

The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs

Monday, October 12, 2015

Todays Self Mastery Goals for this Magical Month

0.05AM 13th Oct 2015 Perth W.A. Time

P.S. Reminder: Receive Your DNA & HEART Webinar Activation Monthly Gift Today:
DNA & Heart Activations Tuesday  4.00 PM Aust E.S.T. check time zone.
Free to All with Love <3 Every Month
DNA Registration is essential: Book DNA & Heart Activation Gift

Working with the Collective Consciousness

Thank You for Continuing to Share the Love :) 

Scroll to bottom of page for full Goal instructions

Negotiation Skills
Peace & Harmony
Teamwork/ At One
Refinement/Fine Tuning
Codependency Healing

Choose up to 10 of the following, or similar of your choice; in choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they? Trust and Receive!

Your Marriage, including Partnerships, Agreements, Sharing and Interdependence.
I am easily attracting and beginning a happy, monogamous committed relationship with a man/woman with whom I am experiencing mutual  _____________ (love, support, respect, appreciation, passion etc.)
I am filling with the right ideas for the best possible relationship between ____________ and myself.
The exchange of love, support and sharing is reentering my marriage.
I am recognizing and attracting the perfect marriage partner for me, and beginning a healthy, happy relationship with that person.
I am seeing and successfully following the past of creating a happy fulfilling marriage.
I easily say the right words to _____________ (my partner), encouraging him/her to be more open and loving toward me.
I am naturally filled with accurate discrimination in terms of relationships, leading to committing to those opportunities that are in my best overall interest.

Fairness, Including: Balance, Equality, Appreciation of opposite viewpoints, Negotiation and Counselling.
My inner thoughts and feelings are creating equality with others.
I openly see other perspectives, allowing me to perceive others more accurately.
I am open to see and understand other points of view.
I feel a strong sense of equality, balance and harmony within me.
I am effectively negotiating  ____________ with ___________ in a way that is creating a happy win/win outcome.
I am easily expressing the right words to ____________, resulting in us going to counseling/coaching together.
My inner feelings of balance and peacefulness are creating more harmony in my life.
I am naturally attracting the right counselor/coach to work with who is a healing and empowering influence in my life.

Creating Harmony, Peace, Beauty, Art and Decorations.
I am drawn to decorating touches for my environment, which are creating a feeling of happiness, peace and serenity.
I am consciously and continuously experiencing peace and harmony in my day-to-day life.
I am relaxing into the graciousness of my own beauty as a man/woman.
I am easily being my true self in such a way that is harmonious and happy for others and myself.
I am attracting and beginning to work with the right feng shui expert for me who is creating the shifts in my environment resulting in me attracting into my life what I really want.
I am enjoying decorating my home in such a way that it is bringing in more peace, harmony and balance.

Teamwork, including: Giving and receiving support, Collaboration, Supportive relationships, Cooperation and Team identity.
I am consciously aware that we are at one, all in this together, making it easy to support others in an empowering way.
I am empoweringly supporting ____________ in a way that is a win/win for us both.
I am enjoying myself cooperating with others in a healthy and fun way.
I am embracing my positioning in being a open and supporting team player.
I am creating a strong sense of mutual support in my relationship with  _____________.
I am collaborating with ____________ in a way that is resulting in a happy win/win outcome.

Sociability, Being companionable, Tact, Getting along with other people, Personal interactions, Diplomacy and Affinity for others.
I easily connect with others and find a natural affinity with then during interaction.
I have great rapport in speaking with others, resulting in them wanting to cooperate with me.
I easily and naturally employ diplomacy as a very regular habit.
I am enjoying connecting and relating with others in a tactful, courteous, and cooperative manner.
I am feeling aware, understanding and at ease in social situations.
I am invoking clarity in seeing how to make my relationships more satisfying.

Refinement, Luxury, Elegance, Pampering, Good taste and Grace.
I openly receive and am appreciative of being pampered by others.
I am filled with the beautiful energy of grace and elegance as I move through my daily life.
I am being intuitively attracted and guided to purchasing items in good taste at a price I can easily afford.
I am fully acknowledging and appreciating the luxury I have in my life.
I am gratefully and graciously accepting gifts from others in a happy healthy way.
I am consciously and consistently aware of the grace that is present in every moment.
I am enjoying dressing in a style that others perceive as being elegant.

Loss of Self-Identity, Codependency, Appeasing behaviours, Indecision and Aimless debate.
I am like and love myself more and more every day, which is opening myself to be liked and loved by others.
I am embracing my own inner peace, which is now reflecting in my environment.
I am loving and accepting myself more and more every day as I am reclaiming my own unique identity.
I developing the habit of easily making clear and definite decisions for my highest good.
As I am breathing in more peace and harmony, I am opening seeing and acknowledging different perspectives as being right for individuals.
As I am embracing my unique individuality, I am feeling safe and secure in being my authentic self.
I am developing a deep sense inner peace, regardless of others points of views and styles.

Restoring Health, including: Adrenal glands, Buttocks, Diabetes imbalance and Kidneys.
A total healing is occurring in the area of my ____________ (area above.)
I am naturally being guided and attracting the right healers for me to restore perfect health to my ____________ (area above.)
I am attracting the perfect information that is leading to a total healing of my tendency to __________ (area above.)
I am easily taking action that is leading to me successfully restoring my __________ (area above) to perfect health and beauty.

Rules for Your Ultimate Results;
1. Always write your Self Mastery Goals by hand, within 8 hours of the exact time mentioned above. Your Goals can be made up to 48 hours, although, for best results do within the 8hr period.
2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes/goals, date and keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.
3. Do Not make wishes for other people, you can make them for shifting your approach to others. What does that mean? Well, it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics above is being supported by the greater universal cycles. You have heard of planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like that.
So, until next month,
Wishing you a magical month and Year of conscious Self Mastery,



Sunday, October 11, 2015

Receive the monthly Gift ~ DNA & Heart Activation via Live Webinar

Raising Consciousness
through the Collective Consciousness
Receive Your DNA & Heart Activation Gift 
on Tuesday 13th 4PM Aust E.S.T 

DNA & Heart Activations on Tuesday (Please note the change of times)
Free to All heart emoticon~ 4.00PM Aust E.S.T. (1pm for Perth) Registration is essential. Register: DNA & Heart Activation Gift 

It is in working with the Collective Consciousness On Ourselves,
that we can together make a difference whilst helping ourselves.
Sharing the Love.

Shivaya Reo
Join Our DNA Face Book Page For Future Monthly Activation Gifts

Please Share the Love 

Friday, October 9, 2015

How do we break the habit of excessive thinking?

Are You Addicted to Thinking?
Do you have one of those minds that never stop?

See the Video Below:

Are You addicted to Thinking?