Sunday, February 8, 2015

Are You Ready to Be Your own Director, Now?

Will Being your own Director mean stepping up?

Being your own Director will mean getting the different aspects of your life in order, that is if you are choosing to be a successful Director?
It means taking full charge of your thoughts, being the Master of your own Mind, the Master of what goes in and what goes out of it.

For most people, after a lifetime of living at effect, it is a BIG HUGE ask, to change the thinking process, and start living from within your heart. After all, it is all you have known, the way you operate has come from mostly unconsciously taking on other peoples programs.

If you are interested in me helping you to create your own individual brain cleansing and re-setting audio. We will have an initial phone/skype consult to identify what you really want in all areas of your life, then I will create the audio for you to listen to every day to get your thinking how you want it to think, believe so you can then manifest what you have chosen to believe. Obviously, this will be a very limited offer, as it is a time consuming project. After all, you want to get your life right for you, don’t you? Contact me at, this will be first in best dressed.

No more soaking other peoples ‘stuff,’ OK? You will be in charge of your own ship, without any leaks in it!

The momentum this year feels as though it is on fire, I am sure many of you are feeling it? It is time for really great change, and the very greatest change always starts within, and the deeper within the better. Just quietly, it is also the easiest change as well. Those who resist it (and many of you will,) at this time will struggle, it is inevitable.

The first DNA & Heart Activation in Perth is on the 21st Jan – Please note the new venue in Como when you book at

And, yes there is more! I have had my arm bent and twisted, and I have decided to run one very last grand final Power of Love 99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program in Perth! We have only 6 seats left, this is an intimate group so let us know asap if you are the one. 
To see more here starting on the 24th Feb. To say that this is an incredible life changing 99 days, would be an understatement! The last group blew my socks off.

The Power of Love Boot Camp will continue to be available as an online program, so please let us know if that is your choice. You can book here

It is all action here, there is no time for procrastination this year, do what you are guided to do.

Have a Passionate and FUN and week!

To The Power Of Your Incredible Love,

Shivaya Reo

P.S. Is it time to Weed your Garden?
P.S.S.  Remember to check out the Blog; The Powers Of Your Love;

 The Power of Love 99 Day Boot Camp is a Heart & Mind Opener

Join The Power Of Love on FB:

The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs on FB
 "The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs"

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