Monday, February 2, 2015

Do you have a great feeling 

about 2015, for you?

What are you choosing to create or manifest in 2015?

We all know that we have been brainwashed, programmed, conditioned, and manipulated into unwittingly believe many untruths. You already know, that up to the age of 5 to 7, you were a beautiful sponge who believed what you were fed by parents, teachers, siblings and others. You just soaked the lot up, creating the life that you are living now.
Are you incredibly happy with your life? 
Or, do you know that there is so much more of you that is to be revealed?
What if, you chose to consciously brain wash yourself to believe in what you would love to create, in an empowering way? That is exactly what I am doing right now, and I’m loving the ease, and the results!
Before we can create or manifest what we truly desire, both within and without, we first need to fully believe we can create it, that we are worthy of it. 
Sounds easy I know, however, much of our past programming, was not actually for our highest good, in fact it belonged to someone else. It has kept us trapped in lack, emotional turmoil, insecurity, or maybe even depressed living someone else’s life. Someone else’s beliefs and B.S, that we have clung to like we were dependent on it, locked in a concrete block within!
So, what do you really want in your life?
Do you even know?
It is time to think about your dreams and desires, and to claim them.
If you are ready to Be the Director of your own life, Stay tuned for your next newsletter, to see the mysteries unfold for a limited few. 
2015 is offering a year of tremendous success for those who boldly make a stand for who they really are.
To the power of Your Love,
Shivaya Reo
P.S.  Remember to check out The Powers Of Love 99 Day Boot Camp either in Perth W.A. or the online program: 
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“The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”

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