Friday, February 27, 2015
How The Heart-Brain Connection Works
Are you listening to your heart to know what to do, that is best for you?
Thursday, February 26, 2015
FREE Awakening The Powers of Your Love
N.P.R. (Neural Pathway Rewiring)
Meditation Download with Shivaya Reo
When you sign up for your Newsletter on the right of this Blog; , not only will you will receive up to date information on the Powers of your Love, but for a limited time, you will receive a FREE
"Awakening The Powers of Your Love" NPR Audio Download.
Use this NPR Meditation as a Power Nap; to lift your energy; to reconnect with your Heart or Source; to center and ground your energy; for inspiration; to master you energy - the list goes on..
NPR is a cutting edge process, which I have created for working with my High Level Coaching Clients and Students, to help them to realise and claim the Potential they desire.
Put simply, it will help you to break down old limiting belief systems, habits, attitudes, release old past traumas etc, whilst realigning to to your truth.
In fact, this audio is only part of the NPR process, giving you a little taster of the possibilities.
Listen to the instructions at the beginning, do not listen in a moving vehicle or whilst operating heavy machinery.
I would love to see your feedback below, and keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming opportunities.
The more you listen to this short Heart Focused meditation, the more you will start to naturally live in your beautiful Heart
You will receive your download to enjoy in a few days.
To the Power of Your Incredible Love,
Shivaya Reo
How to Create Powerful Connections with Anyone
Are you choosing how you want to feel?
How far can a smile travel?
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Extremely Powerful Pure Clean Positive Energy - Raise Vibration - Binaural
Are you feeling like an Energy Cleanse?
Then listen to this video for a refreshener.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
How to find your passion and inner awesomenes | Eugene Hennie | TEDxMMU
Are you avoiding your awesomeness?
How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy | Luke Durward | TEDxYorkU
What is in the way of your success?
What do you need to move off your flight path, so you have a clear run?
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Napoleon Hill The Law Of Vibration And Attraction
Napoleon Hill - The Law of Vibration and Attraction
The Mind Mastery Man - he has so much wisdom to share.
What are your thoughts?
Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD at TED...
We are ALL naturally born healers.
Do you practice this natural gift, or are you aware of this gift that you have?
Saturday, February 21, 2015
What Is An Empath?
Are you an Empath? If you are a sensitive person, you will be interested in this video.
Friday, February 20, 2015
The Power of Love 99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program
The Power of Love
99 Day - Boot Camp Coaching Program
6.30 Tues 10th March 2015 Perth
Individuals or Couples
the ‘Real You’ Comes to Life
& Book:
Call Shivaya on 0415 686 441
6.30 Tues 10th March 2015
Individuals or Couples
the ‘Real You’ Comes to Life
& Registering for both the Perth or the On-line Coaching Program:
Ultimate 99 Day Life Transformational Personal Journey in an intimate group
"When you truly know You,
you truly know your significant other"
Shivaya Reo
The Heart-Mind Specialist and
Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs
Power of Love,
Shivaya Reo
Ho'oponopono & Aloha Spirit - AUNTY MAHEALANI
You can use the Ho'oponopono to help you in your life too.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
D.N.A. & Heart Activations
~ Charity Event in Perth W.A. 21st Feb 2015 ~
Booking Link
Times are; 12.00; 12.45; 1.30; 2.15; or 3.00
Please do SHARE the love, and INVITE AND SHARE this link with your friends, the more the merrier ♥ however, Booking is Essential.
We are looking forward to seeing you, and assisting you to raise your consciousness, in fully embracing and stepping into your 2015 successes and Transformations.
Are you interested in being one of our Activators?
Assisting with the Activations as a Volunteer?
Assisting with P.A. tasks for the the day (very little time.)
Note: Please indicate below if you are interested in participating in a DNA & Heart Activation Webinar? This is something that we are looking at offering in the future, to further help people to raise their vibrations.
To explain briefly and simply for those who do not yet know what this shift in consciousness is about;
This is an energy process, where one of our team will take you through as you sit in peace and harmony.
The DNA & HEART Activation helps you to connect more with who you really are, your true potential and more of your own divine truth.
This activation goes way beyond your conscious mind and ego, connecting with your nervous system on an energetic level to the medulla oblongata, which then sends messages to the rest of the body. It ensures messages from the pineal gland are communicated throughout the rest of your body.
The DNA & Heart Activation works at a deep cellular level, and helps with your personal Transformations.
This is a great opportunity to instil new empowering beliefs, habits or programs into your DNA, so I suggest you be gently mindful of the qualities you are choosing to take on in your life. We will assist you with this.
Overall, the Activation helps in bringing more light into any unhealed parts of you, that require healing or transforming, turning your Green lights ON to your true potential.
The results are different for everyone, I have seen amazing miracles with some participants, and it is my wish, that is the case for you.
Do you wish to attend? Book your time here;
• This process is open to anyone over the age of 18, who would like to receive the DNA Activation.
• Booking is essential to keep the flow moving throughout the day.
Please arrive 15 minutes early, to allow for traffic or parking hold ups, as we are unable to wait for anyone.
• This is a local charity event, with your $20min donation going to the local charity we choose for the month.
All of our wonderful Activators are volunteering their valuable time and energy to help make a difference, giving back to you, and the community. They are, The Difference Makers!
• Please SHARE with anyone who may be interested or are likely to benefit from these activations.
Raising consciousness, and wishing you a sensational giant step into 2015.
To the Power of Your Incredible Love,
Shivaya Reo
The Heart-Mind Specialist
The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The Science of Love
Further understanding of what is happening when your are feeling Love.
Speed Dating Prank | 2015 Ford Mustang |
Now, this is not the normal kind of video I share on this blog, however, I could not resist sharing this one.
Let me know your thoughts?
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Stages of Twin Flame Relationships
Have you met your twin flame?
Hallelujah by Jeff Gutt
You will get to know, that I do love Leonard Cohen's music, and here young Jeff gives us his version. Phenomenal, what do you think?
from 19th Feb 2015, 7.47am Western Australian time.
Scroll to bottom of page for instructions
Also check into last months Aquarius Goals, as this New Moon is very different to other new moons. Between 2 worlds.
up to 10 of the following, or similar of your choice; in choosing, be sure
that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open to the
opportunities as they appear from there on, as they will.
and Receive!
“I am easily overcoming confusion in a
constructive way which leads to growth”
“I am easily and naturally finding my
mind and body deeply relaxing at night, for a minimum of ____ hours deep and
restful sleep”
“I now naturally and easily sleep deep
restful sleeps with ease and grace.”
“I am living in the ‘Now time’ with joy
and enthusiasm, and am excited to live fully every day.”
“I am easily replacing fantasy with
constructive action, bringing about the things that I am choosing in my life”
“I am easily embracing clarity in a way
that leads to peace of mind and serenity”
“My imagination is activated, leading to
new and positive views about life.”
“I am consciously and consistently
experiencing the joy of my inner being”
“I am feeling spiritually fulfilled and
“I am joyfully experiencing the state of
bliss in my daily life.”
“I am easily finding myself embracing the
ecstasy of joy and pleasure”
“I am consciously and consistently
experiencing and expressing the loving bliss within me”
“I am choosing to experience the deep
inner peace of universal.”
“I am easily and naturally finding myself
staying in my own kind, loving nature”
“I am easily being aware and sensitive to
“I have the clear mind of the mystic in
viewing my life and circumstances”
“I am naturally attuned to the positive
spiritual forces within and around me.”
“I am embracing the quality of gentleness,
and it is becoming a stronger part of my true character.”
“I am easily and naturally consciously
living my life in a way that is supportive and empowering toward others”
“My sensitivity is empowering me to live
a more authentic and true life on purpose.”
“I now easily and naturally see obstacles
as stepping stones, whilst being supported and guided by my higher truth.”
“In my daily life, I am consciously and
consistently remembering, “source
is doing it all.”
“I am easily finding myself trusting a
Higher Power to successfully guide me in my own life”
“I am easily trusting that everything
that occurs in my life is working towards my higher good”
“I am easily finding myself wordlessly channeling
healing, and spiritual power as I walk through my daily life”
“I am easily attracting, recognizing, and
beginning working with the right spiritual teacher/coach for me”
“I am attracting, recognizing, and
spending time with those who are on a spiritual path that is similar to my
“I am easily focusing on the inner peace
of my true nature”
“I am easily and consistently meditating
at least ____ days a week, for a minimum of ____ minutes each time”
“I am easily attracting, recognizing, and
beginning to attend the right yoga class for me at least ____ day(s) a week”
“I am easily creating
“I am naturally receptive to the support
and influence of the Angels”
“I am easily creating regular quiet time
for myself a minimum of ____ days a week, for a minimum of ____ minutes each
“I am experiencing the healing power
of pure unconditional love”
“I am choosing to surrender and trusting a
Higher Power, and experiencing a total healing in _____.”
“I am experiencing total forgiveness in
the situation with _____”
“I am feeling love and compassion for
“I am easily responding to ruckus with
tolerance and full understanding”
“I am easily remembering that everyone is
doing the very best they can, with the information and tools they have”
“My higher wisdom is leading me to loving
people unconditionally”
“I am easily understanding why others are
where they are, with unconditional acceptance of what is right for them.”
“I am choosing to respond with compassion
to those who are in need”
“I am lovingly and unconditionally accepting
______ without trying to fix her/him.”
“I am choosing to be completely honest
and open with myself and others, naturally building a high level of trust and
“I am choosing to fully honour and
respect my body, and this life I have been given, bringing more joy and love
into my life.”
“I have chosen to completely free myself
from the past addiction to _____ (drugs/alcohol/smoking/watching television,
“I have easily surrendered my addiction
to ______ and have replaced it with a natural spiritual fulfillment and
contentment within myself”
“I have chosen to step more fully into
the Truth of who I really am, into my Divine Power, my strength.”
“I now easily say ‘No’ when it is in my
overall best interests to do so”
“The old habit of passive behavior has
easily lifted from me”
“I am now choosing to step more fully
into my divine power, being more empowered for myself and for others.”
“I now easily take action to get the
results I am choosing.”
“I am now choosing to be spiritually,
physically, mentally and emotionally aligned with who I really am.”
“My newfound feelings of inner peace and
stillness have raised my consciousness in recognition that I am divinely protected
and cared for by a Higher Power”
“I am in total peace and harmony with who
I really am.”
“I have satisfaction and fulfillment in
my life, in recognition that everything is working toward my highest good.”
“A total healing is occurring in the area
of my ____ (above body area ruled by above)”
“I am easily attracting, recognizing, and
working with the right healers for me, which is restoring my _____ (body area
above) to Perfect Health”
“I am attracting the right information
which is leading to total healing of my _____ (body part above)”
“I am easily taking the right action which
is leading to my successful restoration of my _____ (body part above) to
perfect health and beauty.”
1. Always write your New Moon Wishes by hand
within 8 hours of the time specified above time (i.e. time as above.) Wishes
can be made up to 48 hours, though for best results do within the 8hr period.
2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes, date and
keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.
3. Do Not make wishes for other people; you
can make them for shifting your approach to others.
What does that mean? Well, it means that from
the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics above is being
supported by the greater universal cycles. You have heard of planting or fishing
by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like that.
To greatly improve your chances of achieving
your goals, please follow the instructions above. Be sure that what you choose
is what is really important to YOU – oh, and have fun.
So, until next month, wishing you a magical month,
With Love and gratitude,
P.S. Have you registered for the Power of Love 99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program in Perth; OR On-Line Coaching Program?
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
The Power of Love 99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program
Now... It’s Time To Finally Put An End To The Frustrated AND Lonely Feelings And Quickly Replace Them With an inner Feeling of Fulfilment And Confidence About Having More Life Choices Unbelievably Fast...
Your 99 Day Challenge!
The Power of Your Love
"99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program"
"Would you love to fire up more passion, love, attraction authenticity, empowered communication and spirit into your current Relationship, Life and/or Business?”
"Or, would you love to attract the Love of your life into your life?”
“What would you do, if you know that
THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE, is an inside job??"
Follow Me As I Take You Step-By-Step And Uncover The Closely Guarded Secrets Of What It Really takes to take Full Ownership of The Power of Your Love into every area of your life and dreams, ignite more love, passion and connection into your life, business and relationships.
Imagine…. What is a Relationship without Love, Intimacy & Gratitude?
Just flat mates… isn’t it?
And, What is a Business without Love & Passion?
Well, that’s just a JOB, like working to Live or Survive isn’t it?
Just flat mates… isn’t it?
And, What is a Business without Love & Passion?
Well, that’s just a JOB, like working to Live or Survive isn’t it?
The Power of Real Love is an Inside Job
Once you have the Courage (and yes, it does take courage to say a resounding YES to YOU)
to becoming the Master of The Power of Love within you.
Once you have the Courage (and yes, it does take courage to say a resounding YES to YOU)
to becoming the Master of The Power of Love within you.
It is a WHOLE lot easier to bring The Power of Your Love into every area of your life with our simple strategies.
Just like you servicing your car regularly, Your Heart centre (your true Power Centre) needs regular tune ups.
To ensure you release any resentments and FEAR that is blocking the Flow of Your Powerful Love
…….all neediness and dependencies just dissolve into nothingness... and ...... You become the Power of Love.
Just like you servicing your car regularly, Your Heart centre (your true Power Centre) needs regular tune ups.
To ensure you release any resentments and FEAR that is blocking the Flow of Your Powerful Love
…….all neediness and dependencies just dissolve into nothingness... and ...... You become the Power of Love.
YOU, are Invited To Attend Australia’s Only...
“The Power of Your Love" 99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program
Being Confident about having more Life Choices, Inner Freedom & Power, Energy Mastery, Authenticity, Love & Fulfilment!!!
With The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs ...
Shivaya Reo
Shivaya Reo is:
As an International Speaker and Trainer, the Heart-Mind Specialist, as well as a Flow Coach to Entrepreneurs and Founder of the cutting Edge Technology NPR (Neural Pathway Rewiring), with over 25 years transforming the lives of thousands of People …
Have you ever wondered … what it will be like to Have THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE filtering through every area of your life… … and have an Authentic Energy and Love connection with your partner and Passion infused into your Business Life!
Or …would you love to fire up more passion, love, attraction authenticity, empowered communication and spirit into y’all areas of your life?
How much longer are you going to keep waiting … … or keep having the “wrong” people show up?
What if I told you that by aligning yourself, your thoughts and desires … you can attract the Love of your Life … and your dreams so you can feel more confident and have more life choices! And add more spark, love, connection, openness, power and understanding while re-awakening your current relationship and bringing the love and passion into your Career?
Imagine what it will be like to instantly improve your relationships ...
- Get crystal clear on what you really want in your relationship
- Reprogram your mind to have The Power of Love fuelling your life
- Identify and commit to your deal breakers in your relationships & business
- Reset your Love Radar to Authentically Powerful Love
- Understand and find your compatible Personality types
- Only attract the “best” relationships and connections for you!
- Access rapid action tools and techniques and totally transform your thinking habits
- Learn to use the power of your mind extremely effectively
- Empower your current relationship with more love, connection and intimacy
- Understand the significance of embracing authentic Love at the cellular level
- Own an entirely New perspective, and take full Ownership within of your profound ‘Love'
- Claim and live that deep sense of belonging, giving yourself permission to fully be the real you naturally, with massive confidence and certainty and presence - all prentence gone
- Includes a W.D. Profile valued at $100
- And much, much more!
- What would it be like to have your own blueprint?
What will it mean to me to have all of this …
Right now?
Simple fact is this...
If you want to start having more life choices, attract the love of your life and create healthy boundaries...
... and if you’re REALLY committed and not just poking your toe in the water... then You are on the right page....
The Power Of Love 99 Day Boot Camp Coaching Program
“Shivaya's powerful mind-body techniques get results faster and deeper than ever before, it gets to the real root emotional causes, rather than just easing the surface stress. It is the real deal.”
Are You Up for the 99 Day Challenge of Your Life?
The Power of Your Love 99 Day Coaching Program
The Power of Your Love 99 Day Coaching Program
Date: Commences 10th March 2015 - for 99 Days!!
OPTION 1 : in South Perth W.A, including the Coaching resources.
OPTION 2 : ON-LINE Coaching Program, including Class Audio Recordings
Cost: Normally $3000 - but only $850 for the early birds! (ONLY if paid before 2nd March 2015)
Look, here's a short (very short)
taste of what you will walk away with...
Little known secrets to Bring, The Power of Love into your life, that most experts keep hushed.
Why 95% of people who feel Confident about having more life choices will FAIL in a relationship, and how you can avoid this...
What to tell yourself if you want to be your authentic truth.
How to STOP Negative thinking from old programming, past failures, and relationships from dragging you down.
6 Steps to Attract and Re-Awaken The Power of Love, Connection, Passion and Intimacy in your relationship.
How to stop feeling Empty, Lonely, and Needy about feeling unloved and Attract your chosen outcomes with a deep sense of gratitude.
Gain Massive Confidence, being Open and Direct with Clarity and Purpose.
Understand your Unique personality type, and how to attract compatible personalities!
Wisdom beyond your wildest dreams! The New YOU! The Real YOU!
PLUS - Much, much more targeted tips, techniques and ideas for you in each of the 8 classes.
By expanding your mindset and realizing what you want in your Career and Relationship, you will be living your life to it’s fullest! And, believe it or not, the best way to unlock your THE POWER OF LOVE Formula is to use it – but it’s a lot more than that …
These Advanced NPR Coaching mind-body techniques will rapidly open up opportunities in all aspects of your life, in a way you’ve never experienced – allowing you to meet and nurtureTHE POWER OF LOVE with yourself, your partner, friends and career.
Without this, you will find that you will still be the odd person at the party, or the wallflower standing in the background!
Feeling left out … when all you want to have is that deeper love connection within and without - accessing Your Power of Love!
For reasons you’ll discover, you may have unknowingly trained yourself based on the hurts from past life experiences … stunting your business and relationship success.
… To transform your life to embrace your Power of Love, changes are needed …
Let me explain it this way…
“With what I am doing, when people are prepared to take responsibility for their life, with my support, guidance, coaching and processes, they will see real changes within a few weeks. At the end of the day, we all have choices every minute of the day. Once we can accept that where we are right now is a result of our life experiences, both good and bad, we begin to realise we are in a very powerful state, the time of Deciding to choose what we really do want.”
Now For The Proof
Dear Shivaya
I wanted to thank you for your incredible Coaching Support and Techniques. Working with you has allowed me to recognise and change my relationship habits! It has helped me to stop recreating the dysfunctional relationships I was in previously and start to focus on what I truly want in a relationship, and be authentic to myself. I now know know what I want!
Narelle xx
Look, for many of us this may not be true … but for some people they have been landing up in the similar situations and relationships … again … and again … and again! You know what I am talking about don't you?
You may be asking …
How do I change this?
With The Power of Love workshop over the...
99 Transformational Days, you will harness the power of your mind … , and change habits like never before.
99 Transformational Days, you will harness the power of your mind … , and change habits like never before.
It takes a min of 21 days for the brain to create new habits to achieve your long-term definite goals
With the 99 day workshop, you will harness the power of changing your bad relationship habits in the first few weeks. By the end of the program, you will be implementing new conscious decisions! Exciting?
Wow … this sounds powerful!!
To be honest …
The ones who attract the best relationships … are fully committed!
Committed to take ACTION!
And, they are ready to let go of some bad habits, whilst embracing new empowering and inspiring habits.
You see...
People like us, you and I, we are too impatient to wait for long and slow outcomes, right?
So it goes without saying...
If there's a fast and safe way to get your result - without stress and hassle - then that's the ONLY logical and obvious choice.
And that's why I know the "The Power of Your Love workshop" is the solution for you right now … if you're committed to Live with Power and Fulfilment of your Dreams!
Okay… So I bet you’re thinking...
“So how much is this going to cost?"
If you would like to secure your seat for the next “The Power of Your Love” in Perth your investment for the 99 Days workshop is $3000 …
OR … If you book your seat right now and join the other Early Bird action takers you can reserve your seat for only $850 … if paid by 2nd March 2015!
Full Payment $3000 (if paid after 2nd March 2015)
Early Bird Payment $850 (if paid in full before 2nd March 2015)
On-Line Attendees $850 - this is discounted from $3000 for a limited time
Full Payment $3000 (if paid after 2nd March 2015)
Early Bird Payment $850 (if paid in full before 2nd March 2015)
On-Line Attendees $850 - this is discounted from $3000 for a limited time
You can Call us on 0415 686 441 to arrange payment off line. Please also email, if you are unable to be physically present, and are choosing the on-line program with class recordings.
We would love to help empower you to have the power of love you truly deserve!
Simply click the booking button below ...
For Under $9 a day, you will be able to rewire your thinking and unconscious mind to create The Life of your Dreams in both your Business and Relationship through THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE
If you leave this page and do nothing...
Then you'll be no better off.
You'll still be Lonely and Frustrated, feeling unloved, needy or feeling lonely...
… or even feeling unworthy.
… or even feeling unworthy.
And I'm sure you'd agree... unless you find a solution soon, you'll still be feeling that emptiness, like something is missing and lacking self-esteem through not live to your try potential - correct?
That's not what you want is it?
You're better than that.
For just a little more than $8 a day, you will be able to create the Relationship and Life of your Dreams when you follow these guide lines and go through the Neural Pathway Rewiring transformations.
You don't want to be complaining about the same problems in 6 months, 2-years, 5-years, 10-years from now, right?
And you wouldn't want to miss out on feeling and having the confidence in having more life choices and becoming the Powerful Love that you are, would you?
Dear Shivaya
When I signed up for the power of love, the last thing I expected was that I would have so much more fun; I was able to go out more and enjoy each experience, feeling so much more natural and confident.
I am really happy with my results, but even happier with all the new friends I have made on this journey. I certainly did not expect to give my addiction to smoking - that was a real bonus!
I feel my life is now richly rewarding!
Dear Shivaya
When I signed up for the power of love, the last thing I expected was that I would have so much more fun; I was able to go out more and enjoy each experience, feeling so much more natural and confident.
I am really happy with my results, but even happier with all the new friends I have made on this journey. I certainly did not expect to give my addiction to smoking - that was a real bonus!
I feel my life is now richly rewarding!
Look, many confident people before you have succeeded in creating The Power of Love connection... and so can you.
At some point they all faced the same decision you face now.
And that is - To take action - or not.
Here’s the booking link again... .
All it takes in one small decision … for MASSIVE results!
Here’s what to do next …
It’s up to you to make the commitment.
Nothing changes unless action is taken …
And then … Get ready to Be The Power of Love!
To the Power of Your Incredible Love
Shivaya Reo
P.S. If you REALLY want to take ownership of The Power of Love … then make sure you grab your ticket at the special early bird price of $850 BEFORE the 2nd March (normally $3000) while you still can…
P.P.S. Remember, we’re only holding this physical event in Perth (other attendees will participate in the on line version) and we are capping the number of seats to 10. No exceptions. So to avoid disappointment, register your seats right now before the event is closed.
Power of Love
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