Saturday, June 4, 2016

Gemini Heart Awakening & DNA Activation Part 1 Preparation with Shivaya Reo

Gemini Heart Awakening & DNA Activation 

Part 1 preparation, then watch Part 2..... 

........  Heart DNA Activation Part 2 Link

Self Mastery Goals for Today's New Moon

 5th June 10.59am Perth
Western Australia time

Scroll to bottom of page for Rules for Ultimate Results;

Motion, Moving, Flow, Activity,
Growth, Learning, Evolving, Communication skills,
Intelligence, Logic, Cleverness, Social ease,
Positive daily interactions and
Calming mental anxiety. 

Choose up to 10 of the following, or similar wishes of your
Choice.  In choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome
You are wishing, and be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they?  Trust to Receive.
This months Goals re Motion Include: Automobiles (and mechanics), Short trips, Transportation, Restless Energy, and Excitability: 
I have now chosen to attract, recognise, and purchase the right car for me at a price that I can easily afford.
I am easily finding myself naturally taking positive steps resulting in me selling my car at the price I am happy with.
I am easily attracting the right auto mechanic to restore my car to perfect running condition at a fair price.
I am now driving in a relaxed confident way.
All past self-limiting anxiety around driving has easily lifted from me.
I am now taking short vacations at least ___ times each year.
I now fly with confidence, comfort and excitement.
I take day trips exploring new places at least ___ time(s) each month.
All ___ (restlessness/nervous anxiety/ excitability) has totally lifted from me.

This months Goals re-Learning Including: Factual Information, Formal Education, Print Media, The Internet and Curiosity:
I now navigate the Internet with confidence and ease.
I am attracting, recognising and purchasing the right ___ (subject) book, which is empowering me to further my goal of  ___!
I am successfully completing my schoolwork in a relaxed straightforward manner.
I am easily going back to study, taking a minimum of ___ classes each semester/quarter.
I now have total clarity, showing me which educational environment is the best for ___.
I am attracting the sources of information that are giving me the answers to ___.
I have a healthy curiosity, which is prompting me to get the right information to resolve the issue of ___.

This months Goals re Communication Including: Writing, Speaking, Effective Listening and Teaching, Mental Rapport, Understanding different opinions:
I am easily asking the right questions that are leading me to understanding how others think.
I am easily and persistently writing in my journal a minimum of ___ days a week, a minimum ;of ___ minutes each time.
I am easily writing a letter to ___, that is successfully  ___ (intended goal).
I am having fun taking a class in public speaking that is resulting in me having self-confidence in this area.
I am easily communicating with ___ in a way that is restoring the love in our relationship.
I am effectively listening and learning from others, and effectively communicating in a way that is allowing others to really hear me.
I am now understanding other people’s points of view, feeling the pleasure of a deep mental rapport.

This months Goals re Logic Including: Awareness of Options, Cleverness, Short-term results, Handyman skills, Ingenuity and Variety:
Clear logic is entering my relationship with ___.
I am easily accepting other people’s ideas as true for them.
I am consciously enjoying the variety in life, and having fun stepping out of my comfort zone.
I am easily creating positive short-term results in the moment.
I am clearly seeing my options for constructive change in my relationship with ___.
My cleverness is navigating my life in a way that is in my best overall interests.
I am easily focusing on what is positive in my relationship with ___, acknowledging what we already have.
I am easily seeing and accepting my handiness around the house.
I am consistently filled with ingenuity, and understanding of how mechanical things work and able to fix them.

This months Goals re Social Skills, Including: Tact, Acceptance, Quick Thinking, Enjoying the Moment, Wittiness, Having a Sociable Nature:
I now socialise with others with ease, warmth and confidence.
I am now consistently using tact, courtesy, and wit in all my relationships.
I am always totally comfortable in having light, interesting conversations with others.
I am communicating in a way that others understand and accept.
I am accepting other people’s point of view as true for them, without feeling the need to agree or disagree with them.
I quickly and easily think on my feet, giving accurate and intelligent responses.
I now have a positive light-hearted approach to life.

This months Goals re Relationships based on Proximity, Including: Brothers, Sisters, Neighbours, Schoolmates and Roommates:
Easy and constructive communication is occurring in my relationship with ___.
I am easily constructively communicating from my heart in a way that  ____ (my brother/roommate etc) clearly hears and accepts.
I am becoming more alert and a better judge in dealing with  ___ (brother/sister etc).
I am easily saying the right words to ___ that is resulting in more harmony and cooperation in our relationship.
I am easily interacting with ___ (sis/broth etc) in a way that is creating ___ (loyalty/mutual support/mutual helpfulness, etc).
I am enjoying going out and meeting new people socially at least ___ times each month.

This months Goals re Overactive Mental Processes, Including: Excessive questioning, Trickery with words, Superficiality, Nervousness, Indecision:
All self-defeating tendencies to superficiality are totally lifted from me with ease and grace.
The tendency to deceive others or myself with words is totally lifted from me.
The habit of making assumptions has totally lifted from me.
All mental over activity is easily lifted from me.
The habit of constantly changing my mind is now totally lifted from me.
All mental habits leading to insomnia is easily lifted from me.
I am easily relaxing and taking 3 deep breaths releasing all emotional anxiety.

This months Goals re Matters of Restoring Health: In the following parts of the body: Wrists, Hands, Arms, and Shoulders, Hay fever, Lungs, breathing, Nervous System:
A total healing is occurring in the area of my ___ (above body area).
I have attracted, and recognised the right healers to assist me in healing my, (above body part) to perfect health.
I have attracted the right information leading to a total healing of my tendency to ___ (body stress of above part).
I am easily and naturally taking the right action, which is leading to me successfully restoring my (above body part) ___ to perfect health and beauty.

Rules for Ultimate Results;
1.    Always write your Self Mastery Goals by hand within 8 hours of the exact time mentioned above, or the new moon time in your area. Your Goals can be made up to 48 hours, though for best results do within the 8hr period.
2.    Choose and write up to 10 wishes/goals, date and keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.
3.    Do Not make wishes for other people, you can make them for shifting your approach to others.

What does that mean?  Well, it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics above is being supported by the greater universal cycles.  You have heard of planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you?  Well it is just like that. 

To greatly improve your chances of achieving your goals, please follow the instructions above.  Be sure that what you choose is what is really important to YOU  - oh, and have fun.

So, until next month,

Wishing you a magical month of Conscious Self Mastery,
