Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Self Mastery New Moon Goals for Thursday.

Your Self Mastery New Moon Goals 

29th Dec 2016

2.53pm W.A. time.

 Note: This is the most potent New Moon to set your 'new beginning' goals for 2017
Once you have chosen your Goals on Thursday,
go to the following link for your
Heart Awakening & DNA Activation: 

Scroll to bottom of page for full instructions

This Months Topics Include

Choose a max of 10 of the following, or similar of your choice; in choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they? Trust to Receive!

I am easily and naturally responding to the aging process in a way that is in my best interests.
All fears of growing old are totally lifted from me and I am embracing my wisdom with grace.
My clear thinking is leading me to make decisions that are resulting in me having the best time of my life during my retirement.
I am easily and naturally approaching the situation of ____________ in a mature, sensible way that is in my best interests.
I am easily and naturally making decisions that are providing a secure financial base for my golden years.
I am easily and naturally handling my wealth in a way that allows me to retire at age ____.
I am easily and naturally consciously using time to my best advantage.

I am easily and naturally approaching my relationship with ________from an adult position.
I am easily and naturally behaving in ways that is creating a better public image.
I am easily and naturally accepting responsibility for my situation with _________ in a way that is empowering me to change it to a win/win.
I am easily and naturally demonstrating my competency in _______.
All fears of incompetency have totally lifted from me.
I am easily and naturally committing to those things that are in my best interests.
I am easily and naturally keeping my commitments.
I am easily and naturally embracing the habit of self-discipline, successfully and easily reaching my goal of _______.

I am easily and naturally being filled with the energy of enthusiasm and ambition.
I am clearly seeing which goals, when attained, will create greater happiness.
I have total clarity and focus in setting appropriate goals that are leading to success in the areas I desire.
I am easily and naturally using existing opportunities to reach my goal of _______.
I am easily and naturally recognising and utilising opportunities as they arise.
I now have clarity in seeing how to most successfully proceed in order to realize my ambitions in my career.
I am easily and naturally attracting, recognising, and finding myself successfully pursuing the right career/business for me.
I am easily and naturally welcoming the smart work that is leading to my success.

All anxiety around success is totally lifted from me as I am now embracing who I really am, my divine truth.
I am easily and naturally filled with the right ideas leading to success in the area of ______.
I am easily and naturally believing that I can pull myself up by the bootstraps and succeed in what ever I choose in my own life!
I am easily and naturally achieving my goal of _______ with confidence and a sense of authority.
I am easily and naturally experiencing positive recognition and significance in my profession.
The right inspiration and ideas are leading me to a successful promotion at work.
I am easily finding myself steadily and easily accomplishing my goal of ______.
I am easily and naturally taking the actions that are leading to an enhanced social status.

I am easily and naturally following traditional routes leading to success.
I am easily and naturally taking a more formal, respectful approach in the matter of ______.
I am easily and naturally listening to my heart, the authority of my own inner being, the truth of who I really am.
I am easily and naturally behaving in ways that is enhancing my reputation.
I have clear vision in seeing how I can best heal my relationship with my father.
I am easily and naturally interacting with my father in a constructive way that is maintaining my own self-identity.
I am clearly seeing how I can support my boss in a mutually beneficial way.
All fears around interacting with my boss have totally lifted from me, as I now see myself as an equal.
I am easily and naturally successfully interacting with authority figures in a healthy way which is empowering me.

The old compulsive need to take personal credit has easily lifted from me, as I now easily and naturally acknowledge my self and others honestly.
All self-sabotaging tendencies to control others has been totally lifted from me, as I now unconditionally accept who I really am.
The habit of justifying myself to others has totally lifted from me, as I now take full responsibility for creation of my own beautiful life.
I now lovingly express my powerful gentleness with authenticity and power.
I am easily and naturally seeing and owning my life in a way that is fulfilling and joyful.
I am experiencing pessimism being mitigated by awareness of the potential for positive outcomes.
I am welcoming the probability that my new approach is making my goals flow to me.
The old habit of usurping others’ responsibility, has easily and naturally lifted from me.”

A total healing has easily and naturally occurred in the area of my _______(above body area.)
I am easily and naturally attracting, recognising, and beginning to work with the right healers for me that restore my _______(body area above) to perfect health.
I am attracting the right information that is leading to a total healing of ______(body distress associated with above.)
I am easily and naturally taking the right action that is leading to me successfully restoring my _______(body area above) to perfect health, beauty and harmony.

Rules for Your Ultimate Results;

·       1. Always write your Self Mastery Goals by hand, within 8 hours of the exact time mentioned above. Your Goals can be made up to 48 hours, although, for best results do within the 8hr period.

·       2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes/goals, date and keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.

·       3. Do Not make wishes for other people, you can make them for shifting your approach to others. What does that mean? Well, it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics above is being supported by the greater universal cycles. You have heard of planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like that.
So, until next month,
Wishing you a magical month, and New Year of conscious Self Mastery.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Wake Up With A Smile - Every Morning Gift?

My Gift to You...

If you are little too reluctant to get out of bed each morning...
And... you want to change that habit of a lifetime, and Looove leaping out of bed feeling fully charged and inspired...
then read on...
this gift may be for you...

Download your audio gift to wake up every morning ... to sparkle from within., and when fully integrated, radiate from without.

Habits are changed from within
to change the world, your world.

This is my post birthday gift to you
Download and enjoy each morning and change your state everyday.

Monday, November 28, 2016


29th  Nov  8.18pm (Perth W.A. Time)
Welcome to your Self Mastery Universally Aligned Goal Setting that is allowing you to create your life on your terms.  The focus for Monday is:
Quest for Truth                          Peace of Mind
Travel/Freedom/Adventure       Legal Issues
Faith/Optimism                         Finding Solutions
Overcoming Excess

1. Choose Up to 10 Goals from the lists below and hand write them out

2. Choose your Major Goal from the lists below, 

And a Personal Heart-Soul Goal - 

Bring these 2 goals to listen to your Heart Awakening & DNA Activation Link

Scroll to bottom of page for instructions

 This Months Topics Include;

Quest for Truth                          Peace of Mind
Travel/Freedom/Adventure       Legal Issues
Faith/Optimism                         Finding Solutions
Overcoming Excess

Choose up to 10 of the following, or similar wishes of your choice;
In choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they?
Trust and Receive...
SELF MASTERY GOALS IN THE QUEST FOR TRUTH Religion, Prayer & Higher Guidance, Places of Worship, Frankness & Honesty, Direct Communication:

I am regularly finding myself enlisting the help of a Higher Power in directing my life.
I have a very clear connection, and clear communication with my Spiritual guides.
My clear guidance is now showing me how to connect directly with my higher power.
I am easily finding myself regularly going within, ___ times a week.
I am easily embracing my courage in being open and honest, standing up for my beliefs.
I am consistently taking quality time out, and going within, or meditating for a minimum of ___ minutes for a minimum ___ days a week.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR THE NATURAL WORLD Including: Connections to Nature, Intuition and Peace of Mind.

I am consistently listening with respect and trust to my intuition, which is leading me in the right direction for me.
I am easily finding myself respectfully listening to my intuition, trusting my guides who are leading me in the right direction for me.
I am experiencing the joy of my spiritual fullness.
I am easily taking action on my intuitive knowing, being guided on the correct path for me.
My intuition is becoming stronger and more accurate every day.
I am loving, and appreciating the beauty of nature.
I am consistently experiencing inner harmony and peace of mind.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR FREEDOM; Spontaneity, Adventure, Positivity, Exploring and Overseas Travel
I am experiencing the freedom and enjoyment of living my own life.
I am easily finding myself taking a trip to ___ at the right price for me.
I am taking trips easily and travelling on a regular basis.
I am experiencing the freedom and enjoyment of fully living my own life.
I am experiencing positive adventures in my life.
I am consistently viewing my life as a happy adventure.
I love and enjoy the benefits available in spontaneous interactions with others.
In the situation regarding ___, I am filled with optimism and a positive solution.
I am easily finding myself successfully exploring ____.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR LAW; Attorneys, Lawsuits, Ethics, Morality, Conscience and Court.

I am consistently choosing the ethical path in the matter of ____ .
I easily find myself obeying my conscience, leading to peace and harmony.
I am consistently acting with integrity on the prompting of my inner being.
I have clear discrimination in choosing the right attorney who will handle my ___ case in a positive affordable way.
I have clarity in the court proceedings with ___, creating a positive outcome.
I have total clarity in my lawsuit with  ___ , resulting in me making the right decisions which are in my overall best interests.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR OPTIMISM; Faith, Friendliness, Good Luck, Generosity of Spirit and Gallantry.

I am open and receptive to the good luck flowing into every area of my life.
I behave in a gallant manner with those who need my help.
I have easy friendly relationships with authentic people.
I am filled with confidence in the positive outcome of events.
I solidly believe from deep within, that there is always a positive way out of any situation.
I am openly experiencing the joy of generosity fulfilling me.
I have a deep inner faith that a positive higher power is involved in supporting every aspect of my life.
I am openly receptive to good luck and good fortune entering every area of my life.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION; Mentors, Colleges and Universities, Philosophy, Seeking Answers and Finding Solutions.

I have found the solution to ____ in a clear, straightforward way.
I am successfully enrolling in the right college for me.
I can now clearly see my life from a more philosophical point of view.
I am attracting, recognising, and reading the spiritual texts, which are advancing me on my spiritual path in a positive and empowering way.
I have very clear discrimination in choosing the spiritual teacher/ teaching that is uplifting my soul and freeing my beautiful spirit.
I am attracting, recognising and working with the right mentor for me who is helping me learn ____. I am actively seeking and receiving the right answers to my dilemma of ___.
I am finding the solution to ____ in a clear and straightforward way.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR CARELESSNESS; Shortcuts, Self-righteousness, Making Assumptions, Excesses, Extravagance, Blunt Communication, and Pollyanna Approaches

I am compassionate and understanding when communicating with others.
I now wisely and consistently take care and consideration in making choices for my highest good.
I am taking care to see the whole picture to ensure I am making the right decision for me.
I now accept my greater wisdom and higher knowing which is enhancing and enriching my life in the area of ____ (money/joy/partner, etc.)
I totally accept others points of view as being right for them.
I am taking care of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, ensuring balance, harmony and self-compassion.

SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR RESTORING HEALTH; Hips, Liver, Sciatica, Thighs and Upper Legs.

A total Healing is occurring in the area of my ____ (above body area.)
I am attracting, recognising and beginning to work with the right healers restoring my _____ (as above) to perfect health.
I am attracting the right information, which is leading to a total healing of my tendency to ____ (body part.)
I am taking the right action, which is leading to my successful restoration of my ____ (body part) to perfect health and beauty.   


1. Always write your New Moon Wishes by preferably hand within 8 hours of the time specified above time (i.e. time as above.) Wishes can be made up to 48 hours, though for best results do within the 8hr period.
2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes, date and keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.
3. Do Not make wishes for other people; you can make them for shifting your approach to others.
What does that mean? Well, it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics above is being supported by the greater universal cycles. You have heard of planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like that.
To study further, find Jan Spillers teachings.
To greatly improve your chances of achieving your goals, please follow the instructions above. Be sure that what you choose is what is really important to YOU – oh, and have fun.

So, until next month, wishing you a magical month,

With Love and gratitude,
