Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Biggest Thief of Your Time & Energy, is Your Procrastinator

You are Your Own Prisoner
Procrastination Is the Biggest Thief of Your Time and Energy

Join Us, to Set Yourself Free

And, Once you have spent your Valuable time and energy Procrastinating, you can never get it back… it has gone forever.

There are too many ‘procrastination traps’ that we can fall into, at the end of the day, they are ALL just excuses for not doing what we really love, excuses for not getting the results we really want.

To name a few, we have the addictions from:
phone/computer games; T.V; internet surfing; Social Media; alcohol; drugs; porn; over sleeping; laziness; and the list goes on and on.

Without using Your NPR Key, to Self Discipline, and changing these engrained Habits (and that is all they are, just locked in habits,) you will continue to play victim to the addiction or be your own prisoner. So much wasted talent is going down the gurgler, never to be seen again ☹

Recently we offered you the gift of our introductory NPR Weight-Loss live webinar, ((if you missed that one, look out a replay coming soon,)) and once again it is Self-Discipline that is a major missing ingredient.

On 30th  Sept our upcoming webinar: 

“From Procrastination to Self Discipline Freedom NPR”
Your Investment of $55 (includes the recording for repeated use) – I recommend you listen to this at least 10 times for optimum results in reprogramming you subconscious mind to be Self Disciplined.

Register Now: 
Live @ 3PM Aust E.S.T. 30th September
Replay @ 8PM Aust E.S.T. 30th September
Replay @ 12 Noon Aust E.S.T. 1st October

Power of Love Foundation Members; this Webinar is included in your membership. Keep an eye on your inbox for your unique link ☺

We are looking forward to being with you once again next week, to help you to reclaim your Freedom from your procrastination, to set you Free ☺

Wishing You an Abundance of Happiness!!

Shivaya Reo
The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs
HearMind Mentor

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Setting Your Life Freeee with Self Discipline NPR

Setting Your Life Freeee with Self Discipline NPR
Are you ready to take a giant step out of the 
Procrastinators Prison? 
NPR is the Key to Your Freedom

We can all find every excuse in the book, to avoid our destiny, to avoid love, happiness, wealth, relationship, health and well being, but for what purpose?

Do you know why you do it? Avoid what you really want, that is?What do you get out of it?How do you feel the next day… or the next year… how will you feel when you are a 99 year old, rocking on your rocking chair, looking back over your life…… what do you feel?

Break the Procrastination Habits Now: Register Me Now!!!

What is Procrastination? 

Why Do You Allow it to have so Much Power Over You?
A simple enough question do you think?
Procrastination is a Dream Destroyer…
Procrastination is Playing Mind-Games with Yourself…
Procrastination is engrained Bas Habits…
Procrastination is Self Betrayal…
Procrastination is being dishonest with yourself…
Procrastination has you locked away in your own prison……The Seed of Destruction; Laziness; Not Honouring Your Word; It makes easy things hard, and hard things even harder; It is Fear etc…

This Life You are Living, is Not a Dress Rehearsal,
There are No practice shots at this one.
Are you doing what it takes, to get what YOU want?

Self Discipline NPR Live Webinar: Book Me In 

If you are committed to your own Freedom;
Your Investment of $55 (includes the recording for repeated use) – I recommend you listen to this at least 10 times for optimum results in reprogramming you subconscious mind to be Self Disciplined.

Register Now: I AM Ready Now, Book Me In
Live @ 3PM Aust E.S.T. 30th September
Replay @ 8PM Aust E.S.T. 30th September
Replay @ 12 Noon Aust E.S.T. 1st October

We look forward to being with you in 7 Days time to move the power from Procrastination over the You Personal Self Discipline ☺

Will You Be Joining Us Next Wednesday? We would love to see you there.

Enjoy contemplating these questions and visions as you sit back on your old rocking chair ☺

Wishing You Happiness & a Fulfilling Life!!

Shivaya Reo​
The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs
Founder of NPR

Procrastination Is the Biggest Thief of Your Time and Energy

Only an AWESOME Mind Strategy like NPR Can Overcome the Procrastination Mind Games.

Procrastination Is the Biggest Thief of Your Time and Energy

We need an AWESOME Mind Strategy to Overcome all Mind Games.

Procrastination Is the Biggest Thief of Your Time and Energy

And, Once you have spent your Valuable time and energy Procrastinating, you can never get it back… it has gone forever.

There are too many ‘procrastination traps’ that we can fall into, at the end of the day, they are ALL just excuses for not doing what we really love, excuses for not getting the results we really want.

To name a few, we have the addictions from:
phone/computer games; T.V; internet surfing; Social Media; alcohol; drugs; porn; over sleeping; laziness; and the list goes on and on.

Without using Your NPR Key, and changing these engrained Habits (and that is all they are, just locked in habits,) you will continue to play victim to the addiction or be your own prisoner. So much wasted talent is going down the gurgler, never to be seen again ☹ Register Now

Recently we offered you the gift of our introductory NPR Weight-Loss live webinar, ((if you missed that one, look out a replay coming soon,)) and once again it is Self-Discipline that is a major missing ingredient.

On 30th  Sept our upcoming webinar: Register Here 

“From Procrastination to Self Discipline Freedom NPR”

Your Investment of $AU55 (includes the recording for repeated use) – I recommend you listen to this at least 10 times for optimum results in reprogramming you subconscious mind to be Self Disciplined.

Register Me Now 
Live @ 3PM Aust E.S.T. 30th September
Replay @ 8PM Aust E.S.T. 30th September
Replay @ 12 Noon Aust E.S.T. 1st October

Power of Love Foundation Members; this Webinar is included in your membership. Keep an eye on your inbox for your unique link ☺

We are looking forward to being with you once again next week, to help you to reclaim your Freedom from your procrastination, to set you Free ☺

Wishing You Happiness!!

Shivaya Reo
Founder of NPR

P.S. If you would like to become a Power of Love Foundation Member, and receive all of the benefits, you can register now:YES PLEASE, I AM READY FOR CHANGE!!!

We are on a Mission to help over 10,000 people Empower their Lives within 12 months through participating in the monthly activations. If you can help us to help them, by sharing this message, you will be welcome member of sharing and giving Community. Thank You for Lending Your Generous Hand ☺

Rare Aries Super Harvest Blood Moon Eclipse

More Completion on the Horizon

See the Video Below:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Surprising Science of Happiness | Dan Gilbert | TED Talks

What Does Happiness Mean To You?

Watch the Video Below:

Share what happiness is to you?
What do you do that makes you the really happy?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Want To Lose Weight & Kick Butt Some Old Destructive Habits?

Come On A Weight Loss Habit Changing Journey With Me?

And Claim Your Slim Body? FREE Live Webinar

FREE Live Weight Loss Webinar

Your Mind can give you the Power to have Your own Sexy Slim Body!
First, you need to learn how to use you Mind, we use NPR to make that part of the journey easier!

Join me on Wednesday 9th Sept 8PM Aust E.S.T. to ACTIVATE your MIND and Claim YOUR SLIM BODY:
Register Here: FREE Live Webinar
If you have had enough, and you own the fact, that for things to change, that first you must change, then this is the Major Springboard for you to take your power back from all of the B.S. that has prevented you from having your sexy slim body!
This will ONLY WORK if you are serious about it and have a deep desire to take your power and your slim body back. If you are really committed to the REAL YOU! I know I am. We will be doing this together!
How much do you really want it? Like really want it?

If you have had enough of being a couch potato, or being an unhealthy eater/drinker, and yet you know you can do it, then NOW IS THE TIME! Your Time!

Allow me to HELP YOU to REPROGRAM your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to get the body you want!
No more excuses and justifications, lets face it, they have never worked in the past, and as you already know, they never will work in the future. NOW is the Time, Your Time!
Take Control of your Mind, and in so doing, you will be taking control of your Body.
This is a ‘Done for You Process!’ You take responsibility by Showing UP. Limiting Habits, perceptions and beliefs will begin to change very quickly and easily.

Wishing You Happiness with a gorgeous slim body!!
The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs