Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Affirmation For Self-Esteem Enhacement - Louise L Hay
Affirmations with Louise Hay to start 2015 how you want it to be.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Winx Season 1 Ep.10 Part 1 Magical Reality Check
Reality check in.
What would it take to be more real to who you really are?
Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie
So what is real to you?
What would you love to learn more about?
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sam Harris - 'Waking Up' A Guide To Spirituality Without Religion
What are your spiritual 'Waking Up' experiences?
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Louise L. Hay on How Thoughts Create Reality
Did you know that 'thinking the thoughts that you are thinking, is manifesting your thoughts into reality?"
Or.... if your life is running amuck, it is in direct relationship to your negative thinking?
If you are committed to powerfully change this and you are ready for action, check out;
Shivaya Reo
The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
How to quit your life (and reboot): Priya Parker at TEDxUHasselt
Are you Happy with your career, or are you playing small?
Thursday, December 25, 2014
How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore | TEDxGoldenGatePark (2D)
Are you doing what you love? And what feeds your Soul?
A Son Gives His Dad a Gift That Reduces Him to Tears
So many stories of giving and sharing. This one of the many that will touch your heart.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Meanwhile in... New Zealand - "A Very Kiwi Christmas"
Only in New Zealand at Christmas, with a little bit of help fro Air NZ...
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
ATTRACT LOVE: Find Your Soulmate- Binaural Beats+Subliminal Meditation |...
What would it feel like if you connected with your Soul Mate?
OSHO: There Are No Devils
Are you awake or asleep ?
Or somewhere .....
Monday, December 22, 2014
15 Things That Emotionally Strong People Don’t Do
There is a particular aspect of mental strength that is the deciding factor of whether or not you will have a good life. There are many levels to mental strength and all are needed to be successful and happy. The one particular area of mental strength that has the greatest impact is that of emotional strength.
Emotions are, of course, a part of our psyche, yet nevertheless, can be distinguished from the remainder of mental qualities because they most directly influence our physical body. They affect the way our body functions and they drive every single one of our actions. Without emotion, we would have no reason to act, to do anything with ourselves.
Emotions are our greatest motivators. Unfortunately, they can motivate us to act in any direction, even the wrong one. For this reason, emotional strength is essential. There are countless situations that emotionally strong people avoid and many actions they never take. Here are 15 of them:
1. They Don’t Beg For Attention
Needing attention is directly linked to emotion. Those who feel the need for recognition only find themselves experiencing feelings of worth when others make them feel needed; it’s as if these people are uncertain of their value, or if they have any ounce of self-worth. Feeling unsure of your worth is a self-fulfilling prophecy; if you don’t know you matter, then no one will ever believe you do.
2. They Don’t Allow Others To Bring Them Down
Emotional strength requires resilience. This world is filled with haters and trolls. There are jealous eyes lurking around every corner. The unfortunate truth is that often the people who hold us back the most are those closest to us. Getting rid of these people is often the best solution, but also the most difficult. If you can quietly remove these people from your life, that’s one fewer bridge burned and much less of an emotional trigger.
3. They Don’t Hold Grudges
If you’re holding a grudge, then you already care more about a situation than you should. If a person apologizes genuinely, forgive him or her. If this person doesn’t apologize, then don’t interact with him or her, but don’t hold grudges. People with whom you seek to alienate and hold grudges against take up too much of your mental energy, doing more harm than good.
4. They Never Stop Doing Their Own Thing
Emotionally strong individuals do what they do because they love doing it. They don’t plan on slowing down or stopping for anyone who deems their happiness inappropriate.
5. They Never Stop Believing In Themselves
Those who love themselves and understand themselves — those who aren’t afraid or proud to be themselves — never doubt themselves. You amount to your own self-worth, not a shilling more.
6. They Don’t Act Like Bitches Or Assh*les
People are mean. But we wonder, why? Being a jerk is only good as an intimidation factor, and if you’re trying to intimidate people, then you better be a negotiator by profession; if you’re intimidating just for the sake of it, you’re obviously overcompensating for a lack of confidence. Do you also drive a very large automobile, perhaps? I hear they make pills for that.
7. They Know Better Than To Let Just Anyone Into Their Lives
The emotionally strong are emotionally strong for a reason: They don’t expose themselves to people who break down their defenses and crush their morale. Most people in the world are lost and will be more than happy to take you along with them. Don’t let an awful acquaintance ruin your happiness.
8. They Aren’t Afraid To Love
If you’re afraid to love, you don’t have enough confidence in yourself. You obviously think you can’t be in a lasting relationship, but only in one that is doomed for disaster. You don’t want to get hurt again because getting hurt really sucks. There is no reason for you to get your heart broken again because you are awesome. If things don’t work out, it’s not you. It’s the two of you together. Unless, of course, you are an awful human being; in that case, it is you.
9. They Don’t Lie In Bed Dreading The Day Ahead Of Them
The best part of your day should be the moment you wake up and realize you’re still alive. We take life for granted too regularly.
10. They’re Not Afraid Of Slowing Down
Emotionally strong people aren’t in need of constant action and excitement. They don’t need to run around all day and keep moving in order to avoid their demons. They appreciate a slow moment because it brings them closer to what it feels like to do nothing but living, breathing. This is not to say that they don’t enjoy excitement in their lives, but they aren’t junkies and are more than happy to just go for a walk and smell the roses.
11. They Don’t Do Things They Don’t Want To Do
We all do things that we don’t love to do, but we should never do things that we don’t want to do. The emotionally strong understand that and almost always manage to figure out a way to focus on what they love, which allows them to figure out what they need to do, in order to do what they love. Although they may not love every second of it, they like doing what they are doing because it’s bringing them one step closer to what they would love to do.
12. They Have No Problem Saying “No”
If you can’t say “no,” you will get abused. You’ll be considered a pushover and no one will ever ask you for your opinion or take it seriously when you give it. Saying “no” reminds people that they don’t have control over you.
13. They Don’t “Forget” To Give Back
We’re not too busy or too poor to donate our money and/or time. We don’t forget, either. Some people just choose to ignore our responsibilities as human beings. The stronger you are emotionally, the more you come to appreciate others and life itself. You give life more worth and you begin to empathize with those who were dealt a bad hand.
14. They Don’t Feel The Need To Fit In
The stronger you are emotionally, the more independent you become. You don’t feel the need to fit in because you fit in where it matters: the world. People form smaller social groups that are often skewed and unhealthy. Wanting to fit in doesn’t say much more than “I’m afraid to be myself.”
15. They Don’t Forget That Happiness Is A Decision
Most importantly, the emotionally strong have learned to understand the power their brains have over both the mind and body. They understand that emotions are reactions, not reactions to direct physical causes, but to the way we perceive those causes. In other words, our emotions don’t reflect reality; rather, our emotions reflect the way we interpret reality. Understanding this gives us near-full control of our emotions and, therefore, our lives.
Playing the Game of Life - Alan Watts
How well are doing in this Game of Life ?
How to wake up feeling great: The 90 minute rule
Do you have a sleeping problem?
And, do you wake up feeling exhausted?
Then you may want to try this.
Let us know how you go...
Sunday, December 21, 2014
9.36 AM Perth W.A. time.
Scroll to bottom of page for full
Topics from Today Include;
up to 10 of the following, or similar of your choice; in choosing, be sure that
you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open as the opportunities
appear from there on, as they will, won’t they? Trust and Receive!
I am easily and naturally responding to
the aging process in a way that is in my best interests.
All fears of growing old are totally
lifted from me and I am embracing my wisdom with grace.
My clear thinking is leading me to make
decisions that are resulting in me having the best time of my life during my
I am easily and naturally approaching the
situation of ____________ in a mature, sensible way that is in my best
I am easily and naturally making
decisions that are providing a secure financial base for my golden years.
I am easily and naturally handling my
wealth in a way that allows me to retire at age ____.
I am easily and naturally consciously
using time to my best advantage.
I am easily and naturally approaching my
relationship with ________from an adult position.
I am easily and naturally behaving in
ways that is creating a better public image.
I am easily and naturally accepting responsibility
for my situation with _________ in a way that is empowering me to change it to
a win/win.
I am easily and naturally demonstrating
my competency in _______.
All fears of incompetency have totally
lifted from me.
I am easily and naturally committing to
those things that are in my best interests.
I am easily and naturally keeping my
I am easily and naturally embracing the
habit of self-discipline, successfully and easily reaching my goal of _______.
I am easily and naturally being filled
with the energy of enthusiasm and ambition.
I am clearly seeing which goals, when
attained, will create greater happiness.
I have total clarity and focus in setting
appropriate goals that are leading to success in the areas I desire.
I am easily and naturally using existing
opportunities to reach my goal of _______.
I am easily and naturally recognising and
utilising opportunities as they arise.
I now have clarity in seeing how to most
successfully proceed in order to realize my ambitions in my career.
I am easily and naturally attracting,
recognising, and finding myself successfully pursuing the right career/business
for me.
I am easily and naturally welcoming the
smart work that is leading to my success.
All anxiety around success is totally
lifted from me as I am now embracing who I really am, my divine truth.
I am easily and naturally filled with the
right ideas leading to success in the area of ______.
I am easily and naturally believing that
I can pull myself up by the bootstraps and succeed in what ever I choose in my
own life!
I am easily and naturally achieving my
goal of _______ with confidence and a sense of authority.
I am easily and naturally experiencing
positive recognition and significance in my profession.
The right inspiration and ideas are
leading me to a successful promotion at work.
I am easily finding myself steadily and
easily accomplishing my goal of ______.
I am easily and naturally taking the
actions that are leading to an enhanced social status.
I am easily and naturally following
traditional routes leading to success.
I am easily and naturally taking a more
formal, respectful approach in the matter of ______.
I am easily and naturally listening to my
heart, the authority of my own inner being, the truth of who I really am.
I am easily and naturally behaving in
ways that is enhancing my reputation.
I have clear vision in seeing how I can
best heal my relationship with my father.
I am easily and naturally interacting
with my father in a constructive way that is maintaining my own self-identity.
I am clearly seeing how I can support my
boss in a mutually beneficial way.
All fears around interacting with my boss
have totally lifted from me, as I now see myself as an equal.
I am easily and naturally successfully
interacting with authority figures in a healthy way which is empowering me.
The old compulsive need to take personal
credit has easily lifted from me, as I now easily and naturally acknowledge my
self and others honestly.
All self-sabotaging tendencies to control
others has been totally lifted from me, as I now unconditionally accept who I
really am.
The habit of justifying myself to others
has totally lifted from me, as I now take full responsibility for creation of
my own beautiful life.
I now lovingly express my powerful
gentleness with authenticity and power.
I am easily and naturally seeing and
owning my life in a way that is fulfilling and joyful.
I am experiencing pessimism being
mitigated by awareness of the potential for positive outcomes.
I am welcoming the probability that my
new approach is making my goals flow to me.
The old habit of usurping others’
responsibility, has easily and naturally
lifted from me.”
A total healing has easily and naturally
occurred in the area of my _______(above body area.)
I am easily and naturally attracting,
recognising, and beginning to work with the right healers for me that restore
my _______(body area above) to perfect health.
I am attracting the right information
that is leading to a total healing of ______(body distress associated with
I am easily and naturally taking the
right action that is leading to me successfully restoring my _______(body area
above) to perfect health, beauty and harmony.
Rules for Your Ultimate Results;
1. Always write your Self Mastery Goals by
hand, within 8 hours of the exact time mentioned above. Your Goals can be made
up to 48 hours, although, for best results do within the 8hr period.
2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes/goals,
date and keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.
3. Do Not make wishes for other people, you
can make them for shifting your approach to others. What does that mean? Well,
it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics
above is being supported by the greater universal cycles. You have heard of
planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like that.
So, until next
Wishing you a
magical month and Year of conscious Self Mastery,
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Test your empathy!
Do you pick up on other peoples emotions, pains and conditions?
Are You and Empath?
Coaches and Heart Centred Care Givers need to be particularly aware at this time of the year, as they pick up on other peoples pains and sufferings, as if it was their own pain, in fact most think that they are going through a rough time, when in actual fact it has nothing to do with them. Ask someone who knows!
Learning how to empower your boundaries and energy field, without closing your heart is the key to caring for your own energy whilst still being able to have empathy for others.
If you are very sensitive, You could very well being taking on the worlds problems, whilst thinking that you are particularly low or even depressed. If it is not yours, let it go.
Share with those going through a rough time right now.
Shivaya Reo
The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs
Do the Test to find out.... Are you and Empath?
Capricorn New Moon -- Switch up the batteries
We are in for big change, time for Action.
Are you excited about 2015?
Friday, December 19, 2014
(Part 1) Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1)
How do you connect with spirit?
Native American,
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Celestine Prophecy -Part Two
Gosh, I read the Celestine Prophecy in the 90's, this will be a good refresher.
The the book shift your consciousness?
Do You Feel The Times Are Changing?
Have the People had Enough?
Are we Finally saying No, to being the Puppets?
I Believe the Time for Truth is Here.
I feel it all around us,
I feel it Within Me,
Do You, Feel it Within You?
Do You, Feel it Within You?
Something Has to Change.
Shivaya Reo
Harvard Neurosurgeon Confirms The Afterlife Exists:
Proof Of The Soul Source
He then returned to his physical body, experienced a miraculous healing, and went on to write the NY Times #1 best selling book “Proof of Heaven.” What Dr. Alexander confirms is that our life on planet Earth is a “test” of personal growth, and that the way to make progress in this test is to overcome evil while spreading love and compassion. Here are just a few other notable points he made.
Proof Of The Soul Source
By Steven Bancarz| Do we have a soul? Is there life after death? The afterlife is something that has been experienced by countless people since recorded history who have returned to tell their tales, with the most noteworthy account experienced first-hand by Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years, Dr. Eben Alexander. This is not just another afterlife account that can be written off as a hallucination. Before we look at exactly how his experience of the afterlife defies all scientific explanation, lets explore his account a little bit.
Before his experience, he did not believe existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, he thought that the idea of a soul was outlandish. Dr. Alexander changed his mind after he was in a coma for seven days caused by severe bacterial meningitis and experienced a vivid journey into the afterlife. He was guided by an beautiful angelic being and shown the Divine Source, which he referred to as “Om”.
He then returned to his physical body, experienced a miraculous healing, and went on to write the NY Times #1 best selling book “Proof of Heaven.” What Dr. Alexander confirms is that our life on planet Earth is a “test” of personal growth, and that the way to make progress in this test is to overcome evil while spreading love and compassion. Here are just a few other notable points he made.
– The experience of the afterlife was so “real” and expansive that the experience of living as a human on Earth seemed like an artificial dream by comparison.
– The fabric of the afterlife was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small. If you wish to know the Universe, know Love.
– In the afterlife, all communication was telepathic. There was no need for spoken words, nor even any separation between the self and everything else happening around you. All the questions you asked in your mind were immediately answered to you telepathically as well.
When asked what he wants everyone to know about the spiritual realm, he always answers saying that you are precious and infinitely loved more than you can possibly imagine. You are always safe. You are never alone. The unconditional and perfect Love of God neglects not one soul.
“Love is, without a doubt, the basis of everything. Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows-the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals. In its purest and most powerful form, this love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional.
This is the reality of realities, the incomprehensibly glorious truth of truths that lives and breathes at the core of everything that exists or will ever exist, and no remotely accurate understanding of who and what we are can be achieved by anyone who does not know it, and embody it in all of their actions.”
Now let’s talk credibility for a minute. What makes this experience so much more significant than another NDE account? Eben’s neocortex was completely nonfunctional during the time of his coma do to his severe bacterial meningitis, so there is no scientific account for why he experienced this. In fact, he gives refutations to 9 different possible scientific explanations for his experience in his book. -
Exploring Naturalistic Explanations
Let’s take a look at 5 potential explanations he outlines in Appendix B of “Proof of Heaven”. Some are of his explanations would make no sense to us as laymen untrained in neuroscientific terminology, so here are the most common explanations he refutes, all of which are taken verbatim from his book:
1. A primitive brainstem program to ease terminal pain and suffering (“evolutionary argument” – possibly as a remnant of feigned-death strategies from lower mammals?). This did not explain the robust, richly interactive nature of the recollections.
2. The distorted recall of memories from deeper parts of the limbic system (for example, the lateral amygdala) that have enough overlying brain to be relatively protected from the meningitic inflammation, which occurs mainly at the brain’s surface. This did not explain the robust, richly interactive nature of the recollections.
3. DMT dump. DMT, a naturally occurring serotonin agonist causes vivid hallucinations and a dream-like state. I am personally familiar with drug experiences related to serotonin agonist/antagonists (LSD) from my teen years in the early 70s. I have had no personal experience with DMT but have seen patients under its influence. The rich ultra-reality would still require fairly intact auditory and visual neocortex as target regions in which to generate such a rich audiovisual experience as I had in a coma. Prolonged coma due to bacterial meningitis had badly damaged my neocortex, which is where all of the serotonin from the raphe nuclei in my brainstem (or DMT, a serotonin agonist) would have had effects on visual/auditory experiences. But my cortex was off, and the DMT would have no place in the brain to act.
4. A reboot phenomenon – a random dump of bizarre dis-jointed memories due to old memories in the damaged neocortex, which might occur on restarting the cortex into consciousness after a prolonged system-wide failure, as in my diffuse meningitis. Especially given the intricacies of my elaborate recollections, this seems most unlikely.
5. Unusual memory generation through an archaic visual pathway through the midbrain, prominently used in birds but only rarely identifiable in humans. It can be demonstrated in humans who are cortically blind, due to occipital cortex. It provided no clue as to the ultra-reality I witnessed and failed to explain the auditory-visual interleaving.
His NDE account stands as the most credible account of all time, and coming from his materialistic scientific background, we have good reason to believe that he really did have a vivid encounter with something beyond this world.
Here is an interview/feature he did with ABC News about his condition and his experience:
About the author: My name is Steven Bancarz, and I am the creator of Spirit Science and Metaphysics. Thanks so much for reading this article! If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter, you can do so HERE.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
The Alchemist - By Paulo Coelho (Full)
Have you read the book, The Alchemist ?
It is an excellent book.
How To Live From The Heart? - Teal Swan
Is your Heart your best friend ?
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Eckhart Tolle Reveals How to Silence Voices in Your Head | Super Soul Su...
Go into your feelings in your body.
Is your mind full of mindless chatter ?
Awakening the heart with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (8/14/2011) Chanting...
What do your do to listen to your Heart ? To awaken your Heart ?
Monday, December 15, 2014
Between the Lines
Perspectives on race, culture, and community.
by Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D.
Ferguson: Why Is It so Hard for Us to Agree on the Truth?
Four cognitive illusions that illustrate why we don't all see the same reality
Published on December 8, 2014 by Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D. in Between the Lines
We're constantly looking at the world around us. As we do so, we record millions of images. Then we interpret what they mean and organize them into categories. No doubt most of us understand that our interpretations vary as a function of our culture, our politics, and all sorts of other individual and group differences.
But it's not just the organization that differs. Our very perception of reality is often quite different from that of others, even when we set our eyes upon the very same thing. This is partly why talking about the situation in Ferguson is as frustrating as it is, even with our family members. Below are four sets of perceptual illusions that illustrate a few of the ways that different people (or even the same person!) may see the same social reality differently.
1. Background/Foreground or What's the Focus?
Our mind seems unable to focus on foreground and background at the same time. Often, this is adaptive. We know what we want to foreground and our brain accommodates our preferences. But sometimes, it is the so-called background that might be more important, or at least equally important. What do you see in the images below? Keep should be able to see something else, as well.

But it's not just the organization that differs. Our very perception of reality is often quite different from that of others, even when we set our eyes upon the very same thing. This is partly why talking about the situation in Ferguson is as frustrating as it is, even with our family members. Below are four sets of perceptual illusions that illustrate a few of the ways that different people (or even the same person!) may see the same social reality differently.
1. Background/Foreground or What's the Focus?
Our mind seems unable to focus on foreground and background at the same time. Often, this is adaptive. We know what we want to foreground and our brain accommodates our preferences. But sometimes, it is the so-called background that might be more important, or at least equally important. What do you see in the images below? Keep should be able to see something else, as well.
Importantly, what we see as foreground versus background is also relevant socially. A few days ago, high school students in my local community were holding a rally outside the high school to protest the grand jury decisions in the police shooting deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The rally, which was approved by school officials, was designed to take place on school grounds but spilled over to the street in front of the school. While the students were on the street, a woman attempted to drive a car through the group of students [see video]. Students responded by hitting the car and apparently did some damage to the glass. The event was reported by the local newspaper:
One could have just as legitimately focused on the fact that someone tried to drive a car through a group of protesting students. Arguably, that's not only the more interesting story but also the one that's more newsworthy, but if we get our information from just a single source, our understanding of the truth will be necessarily limited by a particular reporter or a particular media source's intentional or unintentional focus.
In many ways, the entire public discourse/debate about Ferguson can be seen as a disagreement about what is (or should be) the primary focus and what is (or should be) the background. For the police and their supporters, the focus is on the threat that Brown and others pose to both their own safety and to that of the community they patrol. For those who are rallying and otherwise protesting their deaths, Brown's and Garner's behavior is background to the real story, which is how police dehumanize (by seeing them as a threat rather than as a person) people of color in general and Black men in particular.
Notably, for both sides, the incidents involving Brown and Garner are representative of a larger morality issue. Thus, we hear the language of "thugs" and "black rage" -- words intended to carry negative connotation -- used to describe what some see as the criminal nature of certain communities, even though the same language can, just as easily, be used to describe those who support and maintain the structures that create dissatisfaction and aggression in those communities, as demonstrated in this piece on "white rage". Even something as lacking in subtlety as rage, it seems, depends on the focus of one's attention.
2. Distance
When we are far away from something, we see the broad strokes but not the fine lines.
If we look at the image on the left, most of us will probably see a skull. But if we get up close, we can see that it is actually something VERY different. This is true not only in regard to physical distance but social and emotional distance as well. Thus, African Americans often see certain things differently from white Americans in regard to race, because they are much closer to the many ways that racism and racial bias operate in our society. Interestingly, though most of us would not presume to tell someone standing much closer that they are seeing things incorrectly, when it comes to racism, this is exactly what often happens.

To be sure, it's possible to get so close to something that it is no longer possible to clearly see the entirety of it. Maybe some white people think African Americans are so close to racism that they are no longer able to see where it starts and ends so that their entire reality seems racist. The point here is not to discern who is seeing more clearly -- this will surely differ person to person and situation to situation -- but to point out that our social and emotional distance to something can have a powerful impact on our perceptions.
3. Social Location
It's not just how close one is to something that matters. The place from which we're looking -- the point of view -- matters too. In the image below, both of the men are perceiving and interpreting their reality accurately, yet their understanding of what is "true" is different because their point of view is different.
As with distance, this is as true in regard to differences in social location as it is for physical location. Thus, gender, race, religion, social class, sexual orientation, political ideology, and many other social categories that shape our experiences give us all different points of view, which, in turn, determine, how we see (and make sense of) the same events.
Notably, these categories are not independent of each other. Rather, each particular combination represents a different social location and, therefore, a different point of view.
This is why respectability politics are more likely to be asserted by folks like Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, and the handful of other Blacks who have the good fortune to either be part of the top 1% or realistically aspire to get there.
Cosby and Barkley aren't wrong in the way that neither of the two cartoon characters above is wrong, and politics of respectability have a place in the public discourse. But let's be clear that they see their reality from the point of view of their social location and those who are located elsewhere are likely to have a different experience of race, especially in the context of policing. And they aren't wrong either.
4. Projection
When the situation is not ambiguous, there is not a whole lot of interpretation that needs to happen. But when there is ambiguity, a person can only determine what he/she sees by imposing (i.e., projecting) his/her self onto the content.

public domain
This is the theoretical principle behind projective tests, like theRorschach (ink blot) and theThematic Apperception Test(TAT). That is, what a person sees in an ink blot reveals quite a bit about the person and nothing at all about the blot, because the blot is so ambiguous that it could be practically anything. Get enough ink blots and the data points start to cluster into themes (e.g., insecurity, aggression) that reveal something important about the person's personality.
Situations such as the one in Ferguson are ambiguous enough to function like an inkblot. Often, we see not so much what is actually there but what we (often unconsciously) expect or want to be there. That is, when the situation is sufficiently ambiguous, rather than seeing another person, we see some aspect of ourselves. And we respond accordingly, not unlike the artist in the image below.
The appeal of this illusion is the discovery that the rabbit's self-portrait can, indeed, accurately represent the duck. But just as the "paint myself" strategy is unlikely to work for every studio session with every subject, projection is similarly unlikely to represent reality accurately in most circumstances.
The problem is that projection is an unconscious and, therefore, unintentional process. As a result, it is difficult to intentionally overcome it. But difficult is not impossible. They key seems to be to understand ourselves well enough to predict what we are likely to project onto others. Tools developed by psychologists, such as the Implicit Association Test,can help us do that by revealing to us our implicit biases, including racial biases, which we have (often unintentionally) picked up from society.
This is important because implicit biases tend to impact our behavior in all sorts of ambiguous situations. In the case of police officers, it is the best explanation for why officers report seeing a gun instead of the innocuous object (e.g., phone, soda bottle) the person was actually carrying. The consequences, as described in this piece in Mother Jones, can be tragic.
But it is not just police officers who fall victim to this kind of projection. We all do it. In fact, much of racism these days is perpetrated not by self-proclaimed racists but by well-meaning Americans who, unaware of their racial bias, perceive an ambiguous, high-stress event in a way that is consistent with their bias, even if their conscious mind actively rejects the same bias.
Psychological studies show that we can teach ourselves to override implicit bias, but that's a topic for another article.
Some of them [students] walked into Crescent Drive in front of the school. As that occurred, a vehicle travelled through the crowd. At least one of the students struck the vehicle’s window and caused damage to the glass, according to police, who were called to the scene. [see full article]Notice how the article places the damage to the car in the foreground. The car was not driven through the group of students, it just somehow "travelled through the crowd" -- the passive voice. But when it comes to the damage to the car, it didn't just happen. Rather "one of the students struck the vehicle's window" -- the active voice.
One could have just as legitimately focused on the fact that someone tried to drive a car through a group of protesting students. Arguably, that's not only the more interesting story but also the one that's more newsworthy, but if we get our information from just a single source, our understanding of the truth will be necessarily limited by a particular reporter or a particular media source's intentional or unintentional focus.
In many ways, the entire public discourse/debate about Ferguson can be seen as a disagreement about what is (or should be) the primary focus and what is (or should be) the background. For the police and their supporters, the focus is on the threat that Brown and others pose to both their own safety and to that of the community they patrol. For those who are rallying and otherwise protesting their deaths, Brown's and Garner's behavior is background to the real story, which is how police dehumanize (by seeing them as a threat rather than as a person) people of color in general and Black men in particular.
Notably, for both sides, the incidents involving Brown and Garner are representative of a larger morality issue. Thus, we hear the language of "thugs" and "black rage" -- words intended to carry negative connotation -- used to describe what some see as the criminal nature of certain communities, even though the same language can, just as easily, be used to describe those who support and maintain the structures that create dissatisfaction and aggression in those communities, as demonstrated in this piece on "white rage". Even something as lacking in subtlety as rage, it seems, depends on the focus of one's attention.
2. Distance
When we are far away from something, we see the broad strokes but not the fine lines.
3. Social Location
It's not just how close one is to something that matters. The place from which we're looking -- the point of view -- matters too. In the image below, both of the men are perceiving and interpreting their reality accurately, yet their understanding of what is "true" is different because their point of view is different.
As with distance, this is as true in regard to differences in social location as it is for physical location. Thus, gender, race, religion, social class, sexual orientation, political ideology, and many other social categories that shape our experiences give us all different points of view, which, in turn, determine, how we see (and make sense of) the same events.
Notably, these categories are not independent of each other. Rather, each particular combination represents a different social location and, therefore, a different point of view.
This is why respectability politics are more likely to be asserted by folks like Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, and the handful of other Blacks who have the good fortune to either be part of the top 1% or realistically aspire to get there.
Cosby and Barkley aren't wrong in the way that neither of the two cartoon characters above is wrong, and politics of respectability have a place in the public discourse. But let's be clear that they see their reality from the point of view of their social location and those who are located elsewhere are likely to have a different experience of race, especially in the context of policing. And they aren't wrong either.
4. Projection
When the situation is not ambiguous, there is not a whole lot of interpretation that needs to happen. But when there is ambiguity, a person can only determine what he/she sees by imposing (i.e., projecting) his/her self onto the content.
public domain
Situations such as the one in Ferguson are ambiguous enough to function like an inkblot. Often, we see not so much what is actually there but what we (often unconsciously) expect or want to be there. That is, when the situation is sufficiently ambiguous, rather than seeing another person, we see some aspect of ourselves. And we respond accordingly, not unlike the artist in the image below.
The appeal of this illusion is the discovery that the rabbit's self-portrait can, indeed, accurately represent the duck. But just as the "paint myself" strategy is unlikely to work for every studio session with every subject, projection is similarly unlikely to represent reality accurately in most circumstances.
The problem is that projection is an unconscious and, therefore, unintentional process. As a result, it is difficult to intentionally overcome it. But difficult is not impossible. They key seems to be to understand ourselves well enough to predict what we are likely to project onto others. Tools developed by psychologists, such as the Implicit Association Test,can help us do that by revealing to us our implicit biases, including racial biases, which we have (often unintentionally) picked up from society.
This is important because implicit biases tend to impact our behavior in all sorts of ambiguous situations. In the case of police officers, it is the best explanation for why officers report seeing a gun instead of the innocuous object (e.g., phone, soda bottle) the person was actually carrying. The consequences, as described in this piece in Mother Jones, can be tragic.
But it is not just police officers who fall victim to this kind of projection. We all do it. In fact, much of racism these days is perpetrated not by self-proclaimed racists but by well-meaning Americans who, unaware of their racial bias, perceive an ambiguous, high-stress event in a way that is consistent with their bias, even if their conscious mind actively rejects the same bias.
Psychological studies show that we can teach ourselves to override implicit bias, but that's a topic for another article.
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