Sunday, November 30, 2014
Oprah Talks, Law Of Attraction Stories: Strong Women Around The World!
Dreams, believe, and achieve. Powerful women.
Visualise, believe and create.
What would you like most to create in your life ?
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Follow Your Heart - Steve Jobs | Alan Watts
Are you Following your Heart ?
What would help you do do this ?
Friday, November 28, 2014
The most motivating 8 min of your life!
Believe in You more than anything else in the world!!
Just Do What It Takes, because You are worth it, aren't you ?
There is no excuse for any of us... What do you think ?
Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith
Can you imagine what this world would be like, if we all focused and lived our potential?
If people had any idea of what they have within them, the world would be a lot better place.
Would you like to own your true greatness?
Do you believe there is this much greatness waiting for you to activate?
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Hold a thought for 17 Sec and it starts to Manifest! ~ Law of Attraction
Hold your Thought for 17 secs and you are on the way.
From the feeling of relief to manifestation.
Can you do this?
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Heart Has a “Brain”
- in Consciousness · Intuition · Mindful Living
Awareness Begins in the Heart, Not the Brain
Whether religion, literature, or love lyrics, the heart has a long history of being popularly associated with passion, feeling, consciousness, and awareness. But studies within the new field of neurocardiology are beginning to explain the heart’s intimate connection to the brain and the critical role the organ plays in our very sense of self.
Research in the past two decades has shown that the heart is an information processing center that can learn, remember, and act independently of the cranial brain and actually connect and send signals to key brain areas such as the amygdala, thalamus, and hypothalamus, which regulate our perceptions and emotions. It seems we have a second “brain” in our chest. [Source 1]
As a result, the brain-heart connection is steadily being paid more attention throughout academia. In the journal Nature Neuroscience, for example, scientists conducted experiments using functional imaging and a heartbeat detection task to track the psychosomatic link between certain neural systems and the viscera, or internal organs, particulary the heart. The authors conclude that this “interoceptive awareness” contributes yet another layer to the total yet composite experience we call “consciousness.” [Source 2]
There’s also evidence that this “heart brain” can receive and respond to stimuli before the cranial brain processes it, like a split-second “body premonition.” Researchers published a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine that correlated the heart-rate variability of participants with a “pre-stimulus.” In other words, the study subjects’ heartbeats were intuitively sensing an oncoming change. Essentially, their hearts “felt” the future before it happened. And even though the brain and body as a whole are involved in processing that stimulus, it appears the heart gets there first. [Source 3]
But perhaps the most intriguing research in neurocardiology today is the relation between and reaction of the sensing heart of one individual on another. Studies at the HeartMath Research Center have detected in individuals up to five feet apart that the heart’s electromagnetism—the largest in the body—can affect and even synchronize with another participant’s brain waves. In short, the brain seems to be innately sensitive and receptive to the heart “energy” of others.
[Source 4]
[Source 4]
Developing 'Heart' Consciousness
Heart Consciousness - Awakening
Share your feeling with us..... we would love to hear what you think ?
Heart IQ - Learn How To Follow Your Heart In Under 5 Minutes
Practice makes perfect, as you polish your diamond.
How did you go with it ?
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
OSHO: I Always Thought that I Loved Somebody
Love should be like breathing ....
Are You Being Love ?
Share how you feel after watching and listening to Osho, what is the message that you got ?
The Scientific Power of Thought
Did you know that your thought was that incredible ?
Share your 'thoughts'
Monday, November 24, 2014
528 Hz - Earth/Body Natural Frequency! (Everything is Vibration)
I will be listening to this tonight.
Let us know how it goes for you ?
Mysteries of the Heart
More than we may ever know to be revealed.
What hidden mysteries does your heart hold ?
The Brain Unlocked How To Use Your Brain To Create Miracles, Magic and A...
Your brain hold the secrets to what you want.
2 Million bit of info ?
Have you had success in practicing this ?
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Thoughts Become Things!
Do you know what you are creating ?
I would love to know if you have been practicing conscious manifesting ?
The Heart-Brain Connection: The Neuroscience of Social, Emotional, and A...
I love this stuff.
We are so much than most people have any idea.
Are you just as fascinated as I am ?
Your Mind Body Connection:
Think, Feel, Act!
The Mind Body Connection is made through the Heart.
The thoughts we think in our Mind, and the emotions we feel in the Heart, give form and substance to the physical reality we experience as life.
Thoughts can and do remain as unmanifested forms in the Mind unless and until we give them substance with the power of feeling and emotion. When a thought is given substance with emotion it is "felt" in the Heart, which then radiates energy and information out into the physical world. The most immediate and intimate aspect of our physical life experience is the Body, and that is where the energy of the Heart has the greatest influence and impact.
The thoughts we think in our Mind, and the emotions we feel in the Heart, give form and substance to the physical reality we experience as life.
Thoughts can and do remain as unmanifested forms in the Mind unless and until we give them substance with the power of feeling and emotion. When a thought is given substance with emotion it is "felt" in the Heart, which then radiates energy and information out into the physical world. The most immediate and intimate aspect of our physical life experience is the Body, and that is where the energy of the Heart has the greatest influence and impact.
The Human Body is an instrument used by the Mind to perceive its creations.
Life is a series of images and feelings parading through the Mind in an ordered and coherent fashion. The Body is the instrument that tells us which thoughts the Mind is thinking and which feelings are giving substance to our thought.
"Things" that we experience as physical reality are thoughtforms given substance by feeling in the Mind. With our eyes we can "see" the shape, size and colour of our manifested thoughtforms. With our ears we can hear them, taste them with our tongue, smell them with our nose, touch them with our fingertips. Thought gives shape to all these experiences, but it is the feelings in the Heart that allow us to see, taste, touch, smell and feel them.
Life is a series of images and feelings parading through the Mind in an ordered and coherent fashion. The Body is the instrument that tells us which thoughts the Mind is thinking and which feelings are giving substance to our thought.
"Things" that we experience as physical reality are thoughtforms given substance by feeling in the Mind. With our eyes we can "see" the shape, size and colour of our manifested thoughtforms. With our ears we can hear them, taste them with our tongue, smell them with our nose, touch them with our fingertips. Thought gives shape to all these experiences, but it is the feelings in the Heart that allow us to see, taste, touch, smell and feel them.
Feelings in the Heart arise from only two emotions: Love, and fear.
Fear is Love turned inside out and upside down by the Ego Mind to create Illusion of Separation and make physical life exprience possible. Therefore, in Truth, even fear is made from Love.
The Ego Mind, fear, and Illusion of Separation are all necessary steps in the creation of physical reality. But it is only the first step. Once physical experience has been created, the feelings of fear can be replaced with Love based feelings, transforming physical reality into the positive Love based experience it is meant to be. Some would call this "Heaven on Earth".
Fear is Love turned inside out and upside down by the Ego Mind to create Illusion of Separation and make physical life exprience possible. Therefore, in Truth, even fear is made from Love.
The Ego Mind, fear, and Illusion of Separation are all necessary steps in the creation of physical reality. But it is only the first step. Once physical experience has been created, the feelings of fear can be replaced with Love based feelings, transforming physical reality into the positive Love based experience it is meant to be. Some would call this "Heaven on Earth".
The Body plays the most important role in this process of transformation.
Only the Human Body is capable of perceiving the true nature of the thoughts and emotions being used to create physical life experience. And only the Human Body is capable of transforming those thoughts and emotions from fear-based to Love-based.
As you go about your day, try to become aware that every "thing" that you perceive in your environment is a form given shape by thought in your Mind, and given substance by feeling in your Heart. Can you tell if the things in your experience are given substance with fear-based feelings, or Love-based feelings? Don't try to judge or change anything just yet. Simply practice becoming more aware.
Your Body, of course, is also a "thing" given form and substance by the Mind and Heart. Practice becoming aware of all the parts of your Body, and whether they seem to be given substance with fear or Love.
Once you learn to use your Body to accurately perceive the nature of your physical life experience, you will be able to direct your Mind and Heart to create a healthy, Love-based Mind Body Connection.
Your Body, of course, is also a "thing" given form and substance by the Mind and Heart. Practice becoming aware of all the parts of your Body, and whether they seem to be given substance with fear or Love.
Once you learn to use your Body to accurately perceive the nature of your physical life experience, you will be able to direct your Mind and Heart to create a healthy, Love-based Mind Body Connection.
How does the Mind Body Connection work?
When you think a thought in your head, or use the Body to perceive physical life experience, an image is created in the Mind. That image contains information, including shape or form and the feeling used to give substance to the form.
All thought or form is neutral - neither positive nor negative - in its pure form. All feeling has either a positive (Love-based) or negative (fear-based) charge or vibration. There is no such thing as a "neutral" feeling. If you are "feeling" neutral, it means there is an absence of emotion, or substance, to your thought.
If you are perceiving an object in your physical reality and say you have no feelings about it, that is not entirely accurate. A thoughtform that has not been given substance with feeling cannot manifest into physical reality. When you see it with your eyes, hear it with your ears, touch it with your fingers - you are "feeling" it, and that feeling must have a positive or negative charge. With practice you can learn to discern this.
The most common emotion used to give substance to thought in physical reality is fear. Remember, fear is made from Love, so in Truth it's all Love.
When you think a thought in your head, or use the Body to perceive physical life experience, an image is created in the Mind. That image contains information, including shape or form and the feeling used to give substance to the form.
All thought or form is neutral - neither positive nor negative - in its pure form. All feeling has either a positive (Love-based) or negative (fear-based) charge or vibration. There is no such thing as a "neutral" feeling. If you are "feeling" neutral, it means there is an absence of emotion, or substance, to your thought.
If you are perceiving an object in your physical reality and say you have no feelings about it, that is not entirely accurate. A thoughtform that has not been given substance with feeling cannot manifest into physical reality. When you see it with your eyes, hear it with your ears, touch it with your fingers - you are "feeling" it, and that feeling must have a positive or negative charge. With practice you can learn to discern this.
The most common emotion used to give substance to thought in physical reality is fear. Remember, fear is made from Love, so in Truth it's all Love.
Fear-based feelings are used by the Mind to create the experience of being separate - separate from others, separate from the stuff we see "out there", separate from God, etc. If you are experiencing yourself as being separate from what you are perceiving, then that form has been given substance by fear in the Mind.
But don't panic! That's just the first step.
But don't panic! That's just the first step.
When you become aware of anything in your physical life experience that is fear-based, you can go to your Heart and ask for the Love-based Truth. There are a number of ways to do this, including the Heartmath practices, techniques, and technology, the Healing Codes, and the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System for Creating A Mind With Heart.
Asking for Love-based Truth from the Heart may or may not result in changes in your physical life circumstances, but it will transform the substance or energy of those forms from fear-based to Love-based. This includes anything related to the form of your own Body. When the feelings giving substance to your Body are transformed from fear-based to Love-based, this will create a Love-based Body experience.
The key to creating a Love-based Mind Body Connection is creating Love-based feelings in the Heart.
There are a number of ways to go about this.
Perhaps the quickest and most effective way is to cultivate feelings of gratitude and appreciation towards yourself, others, and the things in your life.
Another way is to do something you love to do. If you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to do something you love, simply imagining it in your Mind will create the Love-based feelings in your Heart.
Research conducted at the Institute of Heartmath indicates that creating Love-based feelings in the Heart results in a "coherent Heart field" - an electromagnetic field emanating from the Heart that transmits energy and information to every cell in the Body, as well as to anything else within the field. To date, Heartmath has not found an outer boundary to this field, but it is known to exist at least fifteen feet out from the Body in every direction.
When the Heart field is coherent, the energy and information sent to the Body results in improved health and well being, better performance at work, improvement in relationships, increased problem-solving abilities, intuition, and much more. In other words, when images in the Mind (thought + feeling) are Love-based, the Body benefits in many ways.
But what if you find yourself unable to bring up feelings of gratitude, appreciation, or Love in your Heart?
What if everything you perceive with your Body seems filled with fear and despair? Is there some way to create a healthy Mind Body Connection even then?
To answer that question, let's consider the lives of people who found themselves in seemingly hopeless situations - prison, abusive relationships, life threatening illnesses, the Holocaust.
People who eventually escape from these situations sometimes write books telling the story of how they survived or even found happiness under these conditions. In every case you will find that these people "escaped" their circumstances by imagining something else. In other words, they used the Mind to create images (thought + feelings) that were Love-based and therefore created Heart coherence. Sometimes they would vividly remember someone they loved, or a happy time in their life. If they did not have that resource, they would create a Love-based image of the future and then live in it in their Mind. Remember, no matter what your physical life experience might be right now, you can always create something better in your Mind!
Thoughts created in the Mind and given substance in the Heart must manifest into physical reality. That is the nature of our existence. You can choose to accept reality given substance with fear-based feelings, or you can use your Heart and Mind to create a reality given substance with Love-based feelings. It is up to you.
And who are "you"?
You are the one making the decisions. You are the one making choices. You are the one perceiving the thoughts, feelings, and circumstances in your life. You are the only one who can use your Body to transform the nature of your life experience from fear-based to Love-based.
You are the Mind Body Connection you have been looking for!
Becoming aware of the true nature of your Mind and Body Connection is just the beginning.
Once you learn how to correctly perceive your physical life experience, you can begin to use this awareness in a number of ways, including out-of-body experiences, telepathy, parapsychology, remote viewing and influencing, as well as healing and much more.
852Hz Solfeggio Meditation Video Pure LOVE and Spiritual Order
Enhancing and empowering your love frequency.
110.200 views says a lot, let us know how you go with it ?
Saturday, November 22, 2014
DNA/Heart Connection
I trust this helps your to understand more about your DNA and how much power you can have over it, it you choose.
We love facilitating the DNA & Heart Activations because of the huge benefits for us all. It has helped me in moving forward enormously.
What are your experiences with these activations?
Friday, November 21, 2014
Heart Field
Understanding the Phenomenal Power of Your Heart <3
Did you know this?
This may touch your heart.
How do you feel after watching it?
Heart’s own immune cells can help it heal
October 29, 2014
By Julia Evangelou Strait
The heart holds its own pool of immune cells capable of helping it heal after injury, according to new research in mice at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Most of the time when the heart is injured, these beneficial immune cells are supplanted by immune cells from the bone marrow, which are spurred to converge in the heart and cause inflammation that leads to further damage. In both cases, these immune cells are called macrophages, whether they reside in the heart or arrive from the bone marrow. Although they share a name, where they originate appears to determine whether they are helpful are harmful to an injured heart.
In a mouse model of heart failure, the researchers showed that blocking the bone marrow’s macrophages from entering the heart protects the organ’s beneficial pool of macrophages, allowing them to remain in the heart, where they promote regeneration and recovery. The findings may have implications for treating heart failure in humans.
The study is now available in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition.

Following injury, neonatal mouse hearts (middle) heal well, appearing similar to healthy heart tissue (top). But adult hearts form scar tissue following injury (bottom).
This disparity in healing capacity was long a mystery because the same immune cells appeared responsible for both repair and damage. Until recently, it was impossible to distinguish the helpful macrophages that reside in the heart from the harmful ones that arrive from the bone marrow.
The new research and past work by the same group — led by Douglas L. Mann, MD, the Tobias and Hortense Lewin Professor of Medicine and cardiologist-in-chief at Barnes-Jewish Hospital — appear to implicate these immune cells of different origins as responsible for the difference in healing capacity seen in neonatal and adult hearts, at least in mice.
“The same macrophages that promote healing after injury in the neonatal heart also are present in the adult heart, but they seem to go away with injury,” Lavine said. “This may explain why the young heart can recover while the adult heart can’t.”
Because they are interested in human heart failure, Lavine and his colleagues developed a method to progressively damage mouse cardiac tissue in a way that mimicked heart failure. They compared the immune response to cardiac damage in neonatal and adult mouse hearts.
The investigators found that the helpful macrophages originate in the embryonic heart and harmful macrophages originate in the bone marrow and could be distinguished by whether they express a protein on their surface called CCR2. Macrophages without CCR2 originate in the heart; those with CCR2 come from the bone marrow, the research showed.
Lavine and his colleagues asked whether a compound that inhibits the CCR2 protein would block the bone marrow’s macrophages from entering the heart.
“When we did that, we found that the macrophages from the bone marrow did not come in,” Lavine said. “And the macrophages native to the heart remained. We saw reduced inflammation in these injured adult hearts, less oxidative damage and improved repair. We also saw new blood vessel growth. By blocking the CCR2 signaling, we were able to keep the resident macrophages around and promote repair.”
Some CCR2 inhibitors are being tested in phase 1 and 2 clinical trials for treating rheumatoid arthritis. But before these drugs can be evaluated in people with heart failure, more work must be done to find out whether the same mechanisms are at work in human hearts, according to the researchers.
“We have identified similar immune cell subtypes that are present in the human heart,” Lavine said. “We need to find out more about their roles in heart failure in patients and understand more about how macrophages that reside in the heart promote repair.”
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Oliver Langenberg Physician-Scientist Training Program and the Washington University Center for the Investigation of Membrane Excitability Diseases Live Cell Imaging Facility. (Grant numbers T32 HL007081, K08 HL123519, R01 HL111094, R01 HL105732.)
Lavine KJ, Epelman S, Uchida K, Weber KJ, Nichols CG, Schilling JD, Ornitz DM, Randolph GJ, Mann DL. Distinct macrophage lineages contribute to disparate patterns of cardiac recovery and remodeling in the neonatal and adult heart. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS Early Edition. Oct. 27, 2014.
Washington University School of Medicine’s 2,100 employed and volunteer faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s hospitals. The School of Medicine is one of the leading medical research, teaching and patient-care institutions in the nation, currently ranked sixth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.Thursday, November 20, 2014
Healing The Heart (guided meditation)
Let me know what you think of this Meditation for Healing Your Heart?
And.. Enjoy.
8.32pm 22nd
Nov Perth Time New Moon
Scroll to bottom of page for instructions
This Months Topics
for Truth Peace of Mind
Travel/Freedom/Adventure Legal Issues
Faith/Optimism Finding Solutions
up to 10 of the following, or similar wishes of your choice;
In choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they?
In choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, and be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they?
and Receive
Prayer & Higher Guidance, Places of Worship, Frankness & Honesty, Direct Communication:
I am regularly finding
myself enlisting the help of a Higher Power in directing my life.
I have a very clear
connection, and clear communication with my Spiritual guides.
My clear guidance is
now showing me how to connect directly with my higher power.
I am easily finding myself
regularly going within, ___ times a week.
I am easily embracing
my courage in being open and honest, standing up for my beliefs.
I am consistently
taking quality time out, and going within, or meditating for a minimum of ___
minutes for a minimum ___ days a week.
Connections to Nature, Intuition and Peace of Mind.
I am consistently
listening with respect and trust to my intuition, which is leading me in the
right direction for me.
I am easily finding
myself respectfully listening to my intuition, trusting my guides who are
leading me in the right direction for me.
I am experiencing the
joy of my spiritual fullness.
I am easily taking
action on my intuitive knowing, being guided on the correct path for me.
My intuition is
becoming stronger and more accurate every day.
I am loving, and
appreciating the beauty of nature.
I am consistently
experiencing inner harmony and peace of mind.
Adventure, Positivity, Exploring and Overseas Travel
I am experiencing the
freedom and enjoyment of living my own life.
I am easily finding
myself taking a trip to ___ at the right price for me.
I am taking trips
easily and travelling on a regular basis.
I am experiencing the
freedom and enjoyment of fully living my own life.
I am experiencing
positive adventures in my life.
I am consistently
viewing my life as a happy adventure.
I love and enjoy the
benefits available in spontaneous interactions with others.
In the situation
regarding ___, I am filled with optimism and a positive solution.
I am easily finding
myself successfully exploring ____.
SELF MASTERY GOALS FOR LAW; Attorneys, Lawsuits,
Ethics, Morality, Conscience and Court.
I am consistently
choosing the ethical path in the matter of ____ .
I easily find myself
obeying my conscience, leading to peace and harmony.
I am consistently acting
with integrity on the prompting of my inner being.
I have clear discrimination
in choosing the right attorney who will handle my ___ case in a positive
affordable way.
I have clarity in the
court proceedings with ___, creating a positive outcome.
I have total clarity
in my lawsuit with ___ , resulting in me making the right decisions which
are in my overall best interests.
Friendliness, Good Luck, Generosity of Spirit and Gallantry.
I am open and receptive to the good luck flowing into every area of my
I behave in a gallant manner with those who need my help.
I have easy friendly relationships with authentic people.
I am filled with confidence in the positive outcome of events.
I solidly believe from deep within, that there is always a positive way
out of any situation.
I am openly experiencing the joy of generosity fulfilling me.
I have a deep inner faith that a positive higher power is involved in
supporting every aspect of my life.
I am openly receptive to good luck and good fortune entering every area
of my life.
Colleges and Universities, Philosophy, Seeking Answers and Finding Solutions.
I have found the solution to ____ in a clear, straightforward way.
I am successfully enrolling in the right college for me.
I can now clearly see my life from a more philosophical point of view.
I am attracting, recognising, and reading the spiritual texts, which are
advancing me on my spiritual path in a positive and empowering way.
I have very clear discrimination in choosing the spiritual teacher/
teaching that is uplifting my soul and freeing my beautiful spirit.
I am attracting, recognising and working with the right mentor for me
who is helping me learn ____. I am actively seeking and receiving the right
answers to my dilemma of ___.
I am finding the solution to ____ in a clear and straightforward way.
Self-righteousness, Making Assumptions, Excesses, Extravagance, Blunt
Communication, and Pollyanna Approaches
I am compassionate and understanding when communicating with others.
I now wisely and consistently take care and consideration in making
choices for my highest good.
I am taking care to see the whole picture to ensure I am making the
right decision for me.
I now accept my greater wisdom and higher knowing which is enhancing
and enriching my life in the area of ____ (money/joy/partner, etc.)
I totally accept others points of view as being right for them.
I am taking care of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
bodies, ensuring balance, harmony and self-compassion.
Liver, Sciatica, Thighs and Upper Legs.
A total Healing is occurring in the area of my ____ (above body area.)
I am attracting, recognising and beginning to work with the right
healers restoring my _____ (as above) to perfect health.
I am attracting the right information, which is leading to a total
healing of my tendency to ____ (body part.)
I am taking the right action, which is leading to my successful
restoration of my ____ (body part) to perfect health and beauty.
1. Always write your New Moon Wishes by preferably hand within 8 hours of
the time specified above time (i.e. time as above.) Wishes can be made up to 48
hours, though for best results do within the 8hr period.
2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes, date and keep your list. You
may choose several on the same topic.
3. Do Not make wishes for other people; you can make them for
shifting your approach to others.
does that mean? Well, it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you
put on the topics above is being supported by the greater universal cycles. You
have heard of planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like
To study
further, find Jan Spillers teachings.
greatly improve your chances of achieving your goals, please follow the
instructions above. Be sure that what you choose is what is really important to
YOU – oh, and have fun.
until next month, wishing you a magical month,
Love and gratitude,
New Moon,
Self Mastery
Sagittarius New Moon, What do you believe is possible for you?
Good news for those who have been travelling an intense road over the last year, and more especially since September. Kelley is direct and very clear.
I love her Vibe, what do you think?
Has she got good news for you?
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Shivaya Reo ...... is often referred to as...
The Brain Whisperer
Shivaya Reo has experience and qualifications in more healing and learning modalities than most people have even heard of.
Over a lifetime dedicated to the discovery of what works when it comes to restoring natural health and happiness, she has developed a unique skill that draws on many recognised personal development and therapeutic techniques, without being limited to any of them.
What drives these skills is an extraordinary intuition and passion.
Over a lifetime dedicated to the discovery of what works when it comes to restoring natural health and happiness, she has developed a unique skill that draws on many recognised personal development and therapeutic techniques, without being limited to any of them.
What drives these skills is an extraordinary intuition and passion.
Skill, intuition and passion together empower Shivaya to achieve exceptional results for people seeking to fast track improvements in their lives. Her approach reignites the fire of purpose and passion that is fundamental for health, happiness and success in all areas of life and then provides whatever coaching is necessary to direct this energy into successful outcomes and even legacies.
Some have described Shivaya as a Brain Whisperer for her unique ability to immediately tune into hidden and suppressed roadblocks or original causes.
Some have described Shivaya as a Brain Whisperer for her unique ability to immediately tune into hidden and suppressed roadblocks or original causes.
Shivaya Reo has a way with words. In fact words and a strong dose of confusion are a big part of what she uses to help people break through destructive habits that are interrupting their health and wellbeing.As a Public Speaker she demonstrates how it’s possible to literally rewire the brain for health and in so doing reduce long term dependence on medications.
Shivaya’s approach arises from the field of Neuroscience which is devoted to the scientific study of the nervous system and to discovering how human experience and human biochemistry influence each other.
Her own story makes the case for what she now does professionally. When her daughter was just 3 years old she contracted a particularly nasty form of leukemia. Shivaya was told the words no parent wants to hear. “Prepare to lose your daughter – we believe she has just three more days to live”.
Nevertheless an attempt was made to save the toddler using traditional treatment. Shivaya was determined to bring her daughter’s own healing power into the fight so she threw herself into research as to how she could do that.
As the days turned into weeks and then into months, her daughter’s doctor and specialists were amazed at her progress. “We don’t know what you are doing” they told Shivaya, “but keep doing it because it’s working!”
As the days turned into weeks and then into months, her daughter’s doctor and specialists were amazed at her progress. “We don’t know what you are doing” they told Shivaya, “but keep doing it because it’s working!”
Today this same 3 year old daughter is in now her twenties, happy, healthy and full of life. In gratitude Shivaya has devoted her own life to developing her knowledge, skills and experience in the field of healing once thought to be ‘all in the mind’, but which is now being increasingly recognized as Neuroscience. Original thinking was that we were hard wired, science now proves that we can be rewired. This is Shivaya’s specialty and passion, rewiring the brain for greater health, wealth and wellbeing.
Over the last decade academia has done an about turn on its view of what happens in the brain and how this can affect health. It used to be thought that the brain became hardwired early on and that neural pathways – the avenues of cognition, understanding and intention – were finite and once damaged could not be repaired.
Using more modern technology it has now been discovered that the brain’s circuitry can be rewired and that physical changes in neural pathways can be observed and measured following such changes.
Using more modern technology it has now been discovered that the brain’s circuitry can be rewired and that physical changes in neural pathways can be observed and measured following such changes.
A new term – neuroplasticity – has emerged. It was brought to light initially by work carried out with stroke victims and others with brain damage. It was found that the brain could be retrained to relearn specific tasks using different undamaged areas and it was observable that brain circuits could be stimulated to rewire a way around a particular problem. Since then understanding of complex processes inside a single neuron as well as neural networks have become within reach.
A discovery by researchers at the Brain Mind Institute of the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) showed that the brain is engaged in a continuous process of changing, strengthening and pruning its circuitry in a form of adaptive rewiring. Their research* showed that a burst of new connections between neurons occurs in response to a new experience and only the fittest connections survive.
Shivaya uses an advanced form of the Quantum Linguistics technique which utilizes this principle. Using confusion to first distract the brain from old habitual familiar ways of thinking, she then uses specific language patterns to assist an individual create the new useful neural pathways.
Behaviours that support the resolution of problems and underlying issues then start to emerge naturally instead of having to be maintained through effort and determination, which will be a relief to all those who have started new diets or health or fitness regimes many times over. Instead of trying to regain a hold, old habits have largely been short circuited out of existence.
For the last year Shivaya has been working regularly with patients at the Well Men Centre in South Perth, applying her technique in the area of depression, anger management, hormonal deficiency, restoring passion and sexual problems. She has worked in support of and complementary to, their doctors and with remarkable results.
“As every doctor would acknowledge, an easy way for patients to implement positive changes in lifestyle, nutrition, relationships and overall responses to stress is a godsend and is just what many people really need, says Well Men Centre Director, Linda Byart.
In addition to providing relief for distressing symptoms through traditional medical means, her Neural Pathways Rewiring process is now enabling us to reduce dependency on long tern medication and attack root causes of disease buried in the unconscious”.
In addition to providing relief for distressing symptoms through traditional medical means, her Neural Pathways Rewiring process is now enabling us to reduce dependency on long tern medication and attack root causes of disease buried in the unconscious”.
The Well Men Centre is currently involved in a research Study* to scientifically monitor how treatment with testosterone supplementation interrupts the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Now protocols for a similar scientific investigation into the impact of the Advanced Quantum Linguistics on the brain and biochemistry are being developed, Mrs Byart said.
Further information: Shivaya Reo
Linda Byart – Today tonight;
Further information: Shivaya Reo
Linda Byart – Today tonight;
In addition to holding a raft of Alternative Therapy qualifications, Shivaya is a qualified Master Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and a Master NLP Practitioner.
*Markram and Le Be: Published August 7 2006 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
*Markram and Le Be: Published August 7 2006 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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